





    40 Producten
    eDNA Dual Filter Capsule (20x)

    eDNA Dual Filter Capsule (20x)

    A single-use DNA filter capsule, specially designed for on-site filtering of large quantities of water with a negligible risk of cross-contamination.

    € 223,85
    eDNA Isolatiekit

    eDNA Isolatiekit

    De eDNA Isolatiekit wordt gebruikt om snel en efficiënt eDNA uit watermonsters te isoleren.

    € 100,43
    eDNA Bemonsteringsset (20x)

    eDNA Bemonsteringsset (20x)

    Contains dual filter capsule with valve connector, syringe, preservation solution, luer-lock male caps and storage bag.

    € 354,53
    eDNA Dual Filter Capsule met Valve Connector (20x)

    eDNA Dual Filter Capsule met Valve Connector (20x)

    A single-use DNA filter capsule with valve connector, specially designed for on-site filtering of large quantities of water with a negligible risk of cross-contamination.

    € 277,09
    Lota lota eDNA qPCR Detectiekit
    € 277,09
    Anisus vorticulus eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Anisus vorticulus eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Platte schijfhoren - 200 reactions
    Comes with the new eTaq qPCR master mix for environmental samples

    € 277,09
    Natrix helvetica eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Natrix helvetica eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Ringslang - 200 reactions
    Comes with the new eDNA qPCR hot start mix for environmental samples

    € 277,09
    Neomys fodiens eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Neomys fodiens eDNA qPCR Detectiekit


    € 277,09
    Anguilla anguilla eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Anguilla anguilla eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Paling of Europese aal - 200 reactions
    Comes with the new eDNA qPCR hot start mix for environmental samples

    € 277,09
    Zoogdieren barcode kit

    Zoogdieren barcode kit

    100 reactions
    DNA (meta)barcoding master mix is included in this kit

    € 301,29
    Trichobilharzia sp. eDNA qPCR Detectiekit
    € 277,09
    Misgurnus fossilis eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Misgurnus fossilis eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Grote modderkruiper of weeraal

    € 277,09


    Monsterhengel voor de bemonstering van moeilijk bereikbare plaatsen, bijvoorbeeld begroeide en diepe oevers.

    € 424,71
    Ichthyosaura alpestris eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Ichthyosaura alpestris eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Alpenwatersalamander - 200 reactions
    Comes with the new eDNA qPCR hot start mix for environmental samples

    € 277,09
    Hyla arborea eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Hyla arborea eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Boomkikker - 200 reactions
    Comes with the new eDNA qPCR hot start mix for environmental samples

    € 277,09
    Triturus cristatus eDNA qPCR Detectiekit
    € 277,09
    Uitwerpselen Bemonsteringsset (20x)

    Uitwerpselen Bemonsteringsset (20x)

    Sampling tubes containing preservation solution for the collection of feces.

    € 62,25
    eDNA Sample Preservation Buffer (20x)

    eDNA Sample Preservation Buffer (20x)

    20 syringes filled with 3.5 ml sample preservation solution.

    € 27,83
    DNA (meta)barcoding master mix

    DNA (meta)barcoding master mix

    200 reactions. The PCR reactions will be performed on a qPCR machine with a dye with similar to SYBR Green™, followed by a dissociation curve assay for quality control.

    € 369,05
    Alexandromys oeconomus eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Alexandromys oeconomus eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Noordse Woelmuis

    € 277,09
    Microcystin Cyanotox eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Microcystin Cyanotox eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    This kit is designed to make a reliable risk assessment for Microcystin/Nodalarin in swimming waters.

    € 493,68
    Natrix maura eDNA qPCR Detectiekit

    Natrix maura eDNA qPCR Detectiekit


    € 277,09
    eDNA Microbial Dual Filter Capsule (0.22 µm) with Luer Lock caps

    eDNA Microbial Dual Filter Capsule (0.22 µm) with Luer Lock caps

    This single-use DNA filter capsule is specially designed for on-site filtering of large quantities of (environmental) water with a negligible risk of cross-contamination.

    € 223,86
    eDNA qPCR hot start mix

    eDNA qPCR hot start mix

    400 reactions
    eDNA qPCR hot start mix is included in all qPCR detection kits of Sylphium

    € 369,05