




    35 Producten
    Vogels van Europa

    Vogels van Europa

    De meeste complete fotogids van Europa. Meer dan 900 soorten.

    € 39,90
    Ladybirds of Europe

    Ladybirds of Europe

    Ladybirds of Europe covers all species present in Europe with lots of photos and illustrations.

    € 49,-
    European Boletes, Volume 1

    European Boletes, Volume 1

    This is the first of a two-part set on European boletes.

    € 99,-
    An Altitudinal Study of the Flora of the Inland Mountains of South-East Greenland

    An Altitudinal Study of the Flora of the Inland Mountains of South-East Greenland

    The first of seventeen European mountaineering expeditions to the region in 1963 covered in this volume.

    € 41,86
    Hoverflies of Britain and North-west Europe

    Hoverflies of Britain and North-west Europe

    De meest complete fotografische veldgids voor zweefvliegen van Groot-Brittannië en Noordwest-Europa ooit geschreven.

    € 32,76
    Grönland – Ein Kleiner Pflanzenführer

    Grönland – Ein Kleiner Pflanzenführer

    Die bunte Pflanzenwelt Grönlands! Die Arten der Tundra werden von den Verfassern vorgestellt, die Ökologie der Vegetation wird entlang eines Reisetagebuches von der westgrönländischen Küste kurzweilig erläutert.

    € 24,-
    Edible Plants

    Edible Plants

    Edible Plants is the most comprehensive colour-illustrated book ever published on foraging for plants and seaweeds in North-west Europe.

    € 31,18
    ANWB Vogelgids van Europa

    ANWB Vogelgids van Europa

    Het standaardwerk voor elke vogelliefhebber en al jaren de best verkochte vogelgids in de Benelux! 3 editie!

    € 42,50
    Parks and Nature Reserves of Europe

    Parks and Nature Reserves of Europe

    Parks and Nature Reserves of Europe represents an astonishing journey through the most valuable natural paradises in Europe.

    € 37,37
    Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe

    Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe

    A strikingly illustrated photographic identification guide to sea slugs in all their colourful variety.

    € 39,24
    Bradt Guide: Svalbard

    Bradt Guide: Svalbard

    This brand-new edition of Svalbard provides all of the practical and background information you’ll need to explore this wild place, turning the hostile into the hospitable.

    € 25,39