


    Amfibieën & Reptielen


    215 Producten
    Threatened Newts and Salamanders of the World – Captive Care Management, Vol. 2

    Threatened Newts and Salamanders of the World – Captive Care Management, Vol. 2

    Threatened Newts and Salamanders of the World – Captive Care Management, Vol. 2 bevat fokadvies voor bedreigde salamanders en salamanders. Dit is het tweede deel van de serie.

    € 69,90
    Threatened Newts and Salamanders – Captive Care Management, Vol. 4

    Threatened Newts and Salamanders – Captive Care Management, Vol. 4

    Threatened Newts and Salamanders – Captive Care Management, Vol. 4 covers breeding advice for threatened newts and salamanders. This is the fourth volume of the serie.

    € 59,90
    Tiere und Pflanzen am Wasser

    Tiere und Pflanzen am Wasser

    Einzigartige Kombination von Landschafts- und Naturführer.

    € 18,33
    Toad-Headed Turtles of the Genus Mesoclemmys

    Toad-Headed Turtles of the Genus Mesoclemmys

    This monograph unites the scientific synopsis of the species currently present in the genus Mesoclemmys, with detailed data on keeping and breeding.

    € 44,80
    Tooth and Claw

    Tooth and Claw

    A marvelously illustrated look at the most deadly predators on the planet.

    € 44,15
    Tortoises and Turtles of Madagascar

    Tortoises and Turtles of Madagascar

    This book is an authoritative and comprehensive guide covering every known aspect of their natural history.

    € 50,-
    Tortoises of the World

    Tortoises of the World

    Tortoises of the World offers a comprehensive exploration of the biology, natural history, conservation and ecology of the world's tortoises.

    € 57,-
    Tracker Manual

    Tracker Manual

    A practical guide on how to identify the tracks of some 190 animal species in Southern Africa.

    € 26,16
    Turtles of North America

    Turtles of North America

    A comprehensive guidebook that describes the 64 species of turtles that inhabit the continental United States and Canada and the oceans that surround them.

    € 24,22
    Turtles of the World

    Turtles of the World

    A lavishly illustrated guide to the world's turtles that covers every family and genus

    € 29,42
    Veldgids Amfibieën en reptielen

    Veldgids Amfibieën en reptielen

    West- en Centraal Europa | determinatiesleutels | 150 soorten

    € 41,95
    Veldgids Diersporen Europa

    Veldgids Diersporen Europa

    Vogels, zoogdieren, amfibieën en reptielen | herkenning en determinatie | voor West-Europa

    € 41,95
    Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East

    Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East

    Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East provides an overview on the venomous snakes species of the region, snakebite and the available antisera.

    € 39,80
    Verbreitungsatlas der Reptilien des Großherzogtums Luxemburg

    Verbreitungsatlas der Reptilien des Großherzogtums Luxemburg

    Distribution Atlas of the Reptiles of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

    € 16,67
    Weylin Field Guide: Tracks of Western European Animals

    Weylin Field Guide: Tracks of Western European Animals

    The ‘Weylin Field Guide: Tracks of Western European Animals’ is a compact and richly illustrated guide designed to be taken and used outdoors.

    € 22,50
    Weylin Veldgids Loopsporen van West-Europese Dieren

    Weylin Veldgids Loopsporen van West-Europese Dieren

    De Weylin Veldgids Loopsporen van West-Europese Dieren is voor elke natuurliefhebber een waardevol bezit.

    € 19,95
    Wildlife of Australia

    Wildlife of Australia

    Ideal for the nature-loving traveler, Wildlife of Australia is a handy photographic pocket guide to the most widely seen birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and habitats of Australia.

    € 20,59
    Wildlife of Botswana

    Wildlife of Botswana

    Wildlife of Botswana is an easy-to-use, all-in-one guide to the country's most conspicuous and interesting mammals, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and plants.

    € 21,16
    Wildlife of East Africa

    Wildlife of East Africa

    This photographic guide to the wildlife of East Africa is an accessible introduction to the region’s mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, insects, flowers and trees.

    € 21,16
    Wildlife of Madeira and the Canary Islands

    Wildlife of Madeira and the Canary Islands

    Wildlife of Madeira and the Canary Islands focust zich op vogels, zoogdieren, reptielen, amfibieën en de libellen van deze prachtige eilandengroep.

    € 27,46
    Wildlife of Seychelles

    Wildlife of Seychelles

    Wildlife of Seychelles is the only comprehensive photographic guide to the birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, dragonflies, butterflies and other life in Seychelles.

    € 32,37
    Wildlife of the Australian Rainforests

    Wildlife of the Australian Rainforests

    This beautifully illustrated guide explores 51 wildlife watching sites in 22 bioregions around Australia, with over 500 colour photographs and 28 maps.

    € 29,18


    This book focuses on the amphibian, Xenopus, one of the most commonly used model animals in the biological sciences.

    € 131,93