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    Products tagged with insects



    388 Products
    Bugdorm ez-Malaise Trap II, Townes Style
    Pocket Guide to the Insects of Costa Rica
    Forest Insects in Europe

    Forest Insects in Europe

    Forest Insects in Europe is richly illustrated w...
    Insect Behavior

    Insect Behavior

    Provides a user-friendly approach with pedagogic...


    This visual feast reveals a multitude of butterf...
    The Invertebrate Tree of Life

    The Invertebrate Tree of Life

    The Invertebrate Tree of Life is a benchmark to ...
    Aerarium Rearing Sleeve 200x100

    Aerarium Rearing Sleeve 200x100

    Rearing Sleeve 200x100 with viewing window
    Beating net 1m x 1m

    Beating net 1m x 1m

    Suitable for collecting insects from woody plant...
    Sexual boards

    Sexual boards

    Cards for labeling the gender of mounted insect.
    € 24,31
    € 19,45
    Dragonflies through Binoculars

    Dragonflies through Binoculars

    Dragonflies through Binoculars - A Field Guide t...
    Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East
    The Hidden World

    The Hidden World

    The Hidden World reveals the unseen effects the ...
    Bugdorm 4E4545 Insect Rearing Cage

    Bugdorm 4E4545 Insect Rearing Cage

    BugDorm-4E4545 is an easy-to-assemble insect bre...
    British and Irish Butterfly Rarities

    British and Irish Butterfly Rarities

    This book complements the highly acclaimed 'Life...
    Tasmanian Mayflies

    Tasmanian Mayflies

    An essential reference on Tasmania's diverse may...
    Dragons and Damsels

    Dragons and Damsels

    Dragons and Damsels is a comprehensive and user-...
    Bee Tiger

    Bee Tiger

    In Bee Tiger, Philip Howse, an expert on mimicry...
    Honey Bee Biology

    Honey Bee Biology

    The most comprehensive and up-to-date general re...
    Wasps and Bees in Southern Africa

    Wasps and Bees in Southern Africa

    In this work, the authors have compiled all that...
    Cerambycidae of the World

    Cerambycidae of the World

    Wang has gathered contributions from an impressi...