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    Products tagged with biology



    133 Products
    Great Adaptations

    Great Adaptations

    In Great Adaptations, Kenneth Catania presents a...
    Oxford Dictionary of Zoology

    Oxford Dictionary of Zoology

    Covers all aspects of zoology, including ecology...
    Schnee und Eis

    Schnee und Eis

    Das große Buch über die Welt des gefrorenen Wass...
    Cull of the Wild

    Cull of the Wild

    Investigating the ethical and practical challeng...
    Oxford Dictionary of Biology

    Oxford Dictionary of Biology

    All entries fully reviewed and updated to reflec...
    When the Sahara Was Green

    When the Sahara Was Green

    The little-known history of how the Sahara was t...
    eDNA qPCR hot start mix

    eDNA qPCR hot start mix

    400 reactions
    eDNA qPCR hot start mix is includ...
    The Biology of Sole

    The Biology of Sole

    This book reviews up-to-date knowledge on the bi...
    Biology of Parrotfishes

    Biology of Parrotfishes

    This book introduces the reader to this fascinat...
    Biology and Ecology of Crayfish

    Biology and Ecology of Crayfish

    Written by world experts in astacology, this boo...
    The Lives of Moths

    The Lives of Moths

    A richly illustrated look at the natural history...
    The Secret Perfume of Birds

    The Secret Perfume of Birds

    The untold story of a stunning discovery: not on...
    The Secret Social Lives of Reptiles

    The Secret Social Lives of Reptiles

    Covering diverse species from garter snakes to K...
    Secret Worlds

    Secret Worlds

    Explores the remarkable sensory systems that exi...
    Spiegel van de natuur

    Spiegel van de natuur

    Spiegel van de natuur makes the reader think abo...
    The Hidden World

    The Hidden World

    The Hidden World reveals the unseen effects the ...
    A Natural History of the Emirates

    A Natural History of the Emirates

    Provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review o...


    This Very Short Introduction to Insects higlight...
    The Quality of the Archaeological Record
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