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    Products tagged with bijen



    62 Products
    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Brick

    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Brick

    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Brick. helping repopulating so...
    Bee stone

    Bee stone

    With this Bee Brick, available in 4 colors, you'...
    Bijen Veldgids voor Nederland en Vlaanderen
    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Block XL

    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Block XL

    The Bricks 4 Bees Bee Block is a stylish nesting...
    Bee Block Large

    Bee Block Large

    This Bee Block Large is a freestanding bee nest ...
    Bees Block

    Bees Block

    The Bees Block is a stylish nesting site for sol...
    Basisgids Wilde Bijen

    Basisgids Wilde Bijen

    Basisgids Wilde brengt 133 soorten wilde bijen b...
    € 61,-
    € 39,55
    HDO-02 Insect Hotel Large

    HDO-02 Insect Hotel Large

    Large insect hotel made of sustainable wood conc...
    Bee and butterfly drinking bowl

    Bee and butterfly drinking bowl

    Wild bees need water to dissolve crystallized ho...
    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Block Large

    Bricks 4 Bees Bee Block Large

    This Bricks 4 Bees Bee Block Large is a freestan...
    Single bee house

    Single bee house

    Solitary bees are very important in the pollinat...
    Beehive beehouse

    Beehive beehouse

    Help the wild bees by enriching your garden with...
    Gasten van bijenhotels

    Gasten van bijenhotels

    Een zeer rijk geïllustreerd boek over alles dat ...
    Identification Card Solitary Bees

    Identification Card Solitary Bees

    You will find wild bees from the Benelux on this...
    Sawflies of Europe

    Sawflies of Europe

    Sawflies of Europe - Hymenoptera of Europe, Volu...
    Bricks 4 Bees Beepot

    Bricks 4 Bees Beepot

    Large concrete flower pot in which you can place...


    Large concrete Beepot in which you can plant fl...
    Wilde Bienen

    Wilde Bienen

    Über 510 in Mitteleuropa verbreitete Arten aus a...
    Bee-attracting flower mixture

    Bee-attracting flower mixture

    You help the bees with this bee-attracting flowe...
    Bees of Europe

    Bees of Europe

    Bees of Europe is the first volume of a series o...
    Edukaart Het Leven van Wilde Bijen

    Edukaart Het Leven van Wilde Bijen

    Edukaart Het Leven van Wilde Bijen is an educati...
    Mini Beepot

    Mini Beepot

    TheMini Beepotis a stunning concrete planter an...
    Bricks 4 Bees Mini Beepot

    Bricks 4 Bees Mini Beepot

    The Bricks 4 Bees Mini Beepotis a stunning conc...
    Bee and butterfly drinking bowl Butterfly
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