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    Ultrasonic Microphones

    Ultrasonic Microphones for the detection of bats. You can link these devices directly to your smartphone. Show more


    Bat Detector Type


    14 Products
    Dodotronic Ultramic 192K EVO

    Dodotronic Ultramic 192K EVO

    A high performance dual omnidirectional audio an...
    Dodotronic Ultramic 384K EVO

    Dodotronic Ultramic 384K EVO

    A high performance dual omnidirectional audio an...
    Dodotronic Ultramic384K WIND

    Dodotronic Ultramic384K WIND

    The Ultramic384K WIND is a high quality, profess...
    Dodotronic Ultramic 200/250 kHz

    Dodotronic Ultramic 200/250 kHz

    A good new addition in the area of bat detecting...
    Dodotronic Ultramic384K BLE

    Dodotronic Ultramic384K BLE

    The Ultramic384K BLE is a high quality, professi...
    Pettersson u256 USB Ultrasound Microphone
    Pettersson u384 USB Ultrasound Microphone
    Pettersson M500 USB Ultrasound Microphone
    Pettersson M500-384 USB Ultrasound Microphone
    Echo Meter Touch 2 (Android & iOS)

    Echo Meter Touch 2 (Android & iOS)

    The Echo Meter Touch 2 is the ideal bat detector...
    Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro (Android & iOS)

    Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro (Android & iOS)

    This Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro is for every hobbyis...
    Ultrasonic Mic Board

    Ultrasonic Mic Board

    Ultrasonic Mic Board with response up to 80 kHz.
    Ultrasonic Mic Board with Header Pins

    Ultrasonic Mic Board with Header Pins

    Ultrasonic Mic Board mounted on a small PCB with...
    Ultrasonic Microphone Test

    Ultrasonic Microphone Test

    Have your ultrasound microphones tested at Velds...

    The famous Echo Meter Touch, the razor-sharp Dodotronic and the ultrasonic microphones from Pettersson can be connected directly to your phone. Then download the corresponding app and you can start immediately. Suitable for both professional use and for amateur use.


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