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Fast & Easy - Set Up ez-Malaise Trap in Minutes!
Each Malaise trap comes equipped with one 500ml collection bottle, but pegs, guy ropes, and support poles required for trap installation are not included.
Installation Kit with pegs, guy ropes, and support poles to allow free standing installation of the Bugdorm Malaise Trap II, Townes Style.
PP-bottles (also known as polypropylene) can be used with Bugdorm's ez-Malaise Trap II, Townes Style.
Made of white polyamide fabric. The trap should be tightened between two points on the grounds.
Made of black and white polyamide fabric. The trap should be tightened between two points on the grounds.
Collecting Bottles for Plankton Nets, available in 3 sizes and also suitable for the Malaise Trap Complete.
This set of strong aluminium poles can be used with your NHBS Malaise Trap.
A very good and affordable Malaise trap.
A very good and affordable Malaise trap.
A very good and affordable Malaise trap.