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Dit is een veelomvattende en moderne determinatiegids voor alle 44 soorten en ondersoorten meeuwen uit het West-Palearctische gebied.
These bath toys need water to make sweet birdie sounds.
Providing sites with suitable climatic conditions
The Lahoux Spotter NL 325 is a compact thermal imaging camera with a 25mm lens and a sensor resolution of 320x256px that is suitable nature lovers who also like to observe animals in the dark or in bad weather.
Veldgids Paddenstoelen II - Beker-, buik-, gaatjes-, kern-, knots-, koraal-, korst-, stekel- en trilzwammen
The Australian Bird Guide – the most comprehensive field guide to Australian birds ever published.
Birds of Central America is the first comprehensive field guide to the avifauna of the entire region, including Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.
The Batlogger M is a system for recording bat calls. It is a compact and versatile tool with a lot of features for scientists and all people interested in bat protection.
The Brinno TLC2020 is a compact and powerful time lapse camera. The camera is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and has a long battery life of 82 days. In addition to time lapse, you can also choose Step video and Stop motion.
This Trail Camera with infrared lighting and motion sensor works day and night capturing exciting moments for you in photo's up to 20 MP and Full HD video's.
The u256 USB Ultrasound Microphone is a bat detector for the smartphone or laptop and suitable for both iOS and Android.
The ANS-4 Bat Box is a bat box for larger bat colonies.
The Ranger is the only field recorder you will need. Record everything from bats to birds simultaneously with one device.
Handmade stereo microphones with XLR connection. Very suitable for acoustic outdoor recordings in combination with your audio recorder.
Deze Veldgids voor dagvlinders voor Noordwest-Europa is compleet geactualiseerd met nieuwe soorten, foto's en kaarten. Alle 150 soorten dagvlinders zijn met deze gids makkelijke te herkennen.
The u384 USB Ultrasound Microphone is a professional USB bat detector for iOS and Android with unprecedented specifications.
The keys are practical and lead to species and species complexes that can be morphologically characterised.
Een handige basisgids voor iedereen die meer over eetbare paddenstoelen en (giftige) dubbelgangers wil weten.
Water resistant temperature / light level logger
The SM4BAT FS recorder is a compact, lightweight, single channel, ultrasonic bat bioacoustics recorder.
The FLIR Scout TKx is the most compact and lightweight monocular thermal imaging camera available on the market.
This hedgehog house is, as an imitation of a natural nest, the ideal housing for a hedgehog.
Thinking about albatrosses is thinking about remote, uninhabited, windswept islands in the vast open oceans.