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Veldgids Europese Zoogdieren is already in its fourth edition. A wonderful overview of more than 200 species.
This guide should be a valuable addition to any birder's library.
Plastazote Foam, 1x0.5 or 1x2 meters.
The EL 10x50 binoculars’ impressive features are their large field of view, SWAROVISION technology, and 5 mm exit pupil. The crucial combination for achieving excellent detail resolution in poor light conditions.
Deze gids beschrijft naast de basisprincipes voor ecologisch beheer een uitgebreid plantenoverzicht met foto's, beschrijvingen en tips gericht op bloembezoek door bijen en vlinders.
1523 species shown as live photos
1051 species shown as larva photos
92 sharp colour plates with all species in natural sizes
Clear and updated distribution maps for every species
The Fenix PD25R rechargeable EDC flashlight is the long-awaited upgrade the fans of the PD25 have long been waiting for.
Handmade stereo microphones in nano design with XLR connection. Suitable for acoustic outdoor recordings including nocmig in combination with your audio recorder.
South Africa is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, featuring the highest number of endemics of any African country, as well as rich seabird assemblage and vast numbers of more widespread yet no less spectacular African birds.
Small lamp providing subtle light, purpose-built to be installed inside of a bird or hedgehog box.
This unique nest box is specially designed to be used with the nest box cameras.
The TX42 HD are a pair of binoculars specially developed for bird watchers and is characterized by a wide field of view.
Extension Cable for WiFi Bird Box Camera.5, 10 or 20 meters.
This is a folding mushroom knife with a specially curved blade shape to make an accurate cut at the end of the mushroom stem.
Of the c. 770 species or distinctive subspecies groups covered by Birds of the Philippines almost 300 occur nowhere else on Earth.
Handbook of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises covers all 90 species and all subspecies of the world.
Wooden Archeology Trowel, 11 cm. Blade thickness: 1.2 mm.
The APK-1a Nest-mould for Swift is made from ecological woof concrete. and limits the rolling of the eggs to a minimum and thus prevents from falling out.
Bat Roosts in Trees is a guide to finding tree-roosts. It's the result of the collaborative efforts of professional surveyors and amateur naturalists across Europe as part of the Bat Tree Habitat Key project.
Bat Box 2F for smaller bats. Available with single or double wall.
This work includes almost all european species and genera, with splendid photographs made by some specialists of the subject and completed with a plate of micrographs
This standing loupe is a universal magnifier with glass sidewalls, allowing plenty of light to reach the subject.
This guide has been specially created to help those dissecting owl pellets to identify and submit records of small mammals present in the pellets to the Mammal Society, in order to help biological recording in the UK.
Dit boek is de eerste en enige volledige inventarisatie van alle bomen en struiken die van oudsher in Nederland en Vlaanderen voorkomen.