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A conductivity and temperature sensor for use with HOBO MX800 Series Water Loggers
In Viruses, virus expert and author Marilyn Roossinck presents a comprehensive and richly illustrated introduction to viruses that reveals their true nature.
Thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest research.
This accessible and easy-to-use introduction to the trees of Zambia describes 141 of the most common indigenous and naturalized tree species likely to be encountered. The trees have been organized into five groups according to similar characteristics.
Flight Paths is the never-before-told story of how ornithologists have harnessed every technological development to understand bird migration.
This new book by Matthew Phelps and Ed Stubbs is the definitive guide to the birding highlights of the region.
In diesem Buch bleibt rund um das Leben dieser einzigartigen Nachttiere keine Frage offen. Empfohlen vom NABU.
Ein reich bebilderter Vogelführer in bewährter KOSMOS-Qualität.
A richly illustrated exploration of the astonishing diversity in sexual characteristics and behaviors of plants from the fig-tree to the sacred lotus.
This accessible guide is the perfect chance to get to grips with that challenging group you keep saving for 'next year' or for untangling a botanical mystery which keeps repeating itself.
This is a beautifully researched and visual book that allows people to understand the fragility of New Zealand's native birds and the history.
A beautifully illustrated survey of Yellowstone’s breathtaking birdlife, written by a team of renowned ornithologists and wildlife biologists
Mit diesem Buch möchte das Autorenteam die Leserinnen und Leser zu einer Reise in die faszinierende Welt der gläsernen Vögel einladen.
Natur- und Syltbegeisterte finden in diesem Buch eine Fülle an spannenden Informationen, Anregungen und Ausflugstipps.
A groundbreaking new perspective on collective behavior across biological systems
Diverse literaire non-fictieverhalen met vogels in de hoofdrol.
Himalaya is the story of one of the last great wildernesses and, in particular, of the bizarre discoveries and improbable achievements of its pioneers.
I had attached myself to the birds. I couldn't move on until the birds moved on, and the birds couldn't move on without the spring.
Kruger Birds is a comprehensive guidebook that covers 447 Greater Kruger species.
This book describes and illustrates 80 of the larger, more conspicuous and charismatic tree species likely to be seen while travelling in the Kruger National Park.
In The Secret Life of the Mountain Hare Andy Howard opens their lives to us with a perfect combination of words and images.
The first global review of the ecology, evolution, life history and conservation of high mountain birds, including comprehensive coverage of key habitats and adaptations for life in the alpine zone.
Take flight with the secret life of owls with this book.
Identify Washington birds with this easy-to-use field guide, organized by color and featuring full-color photographs and helpful information.