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    5045 Products
    Soft Grip Margin Trowel 5x2'', Sharpened Blade

    Soft Grip Margin Trowel 5x2'', Sharpened Blade

    Soft Grip Margin Trowel 5x2'', Sharpened Blade. Blade thickness: 1 mm.

    € 18,50
    Lichens of St Helena

    Lichens of St Helena

    Over 220 species illustrated in full colour with informative text accessible to beginners, also featuring keys for the professional lichenologist.

    € 17,44
    A Guide to Finding Birds in Odessa Region, Ukraine

    A Guide to Finding Birds in Odessa Region, Ukraine

    This book provides the first guide to the best places for exploring the region and its birds.

    € 8,68
    Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 Anthracite Wild Nature

    Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 Anthracite Wild Nature

    The Swarovski CL Companion series is compact and accompanies wildlife and bird watchers of all levels in every situation thanks to the precision of Swarovski Optik.

    € 1.296,-
    Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 Green Urban Jungle

    Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 Green Urban Jungle

    The Swarovski CL Companion series is compact and accompanies wildlife and bird watchers of all levels in every situation thanks to the precision of Swarovski Optik.

    € 1.296,-
    Swarovski CL Companion 8x30 Anthracite Urban Jungle

    Swarovski CL Companion 8x30 Anthracite Urban Jungle

    The Swarovski CL Companion series is compact and accompanies wildlife and bird watchers of all levels in every situation thanks to the precision of Swarovski Optik.

    € 1.260,-
    Swarovski CL Pocket 10x25 Green

    Swarovski CL Pocket 10x25 Green

    The binoculars from the Swarovski CL Pocket series are small in size but big in optical performance.

    € 837,-
    Shark Research

    Shark Research

    This is a must-read for any marine biologist or scientist working in the field of shark biology, as well as marine biology students and graduates.

    € 71,39
    A Cultural History of Objects (6-Volume Set)

    A Cultural History of Objects (6-Volume Set)

    This set brings together over 50 scholars, in 1776 pages, to examine how the world of human subjects shapes and is shaped by the world of material objects.

    € 515,31
    Fauna en Flora van het Zoniënwoud

    Fauna en Flora van het Zoniënwoud

    Zowel planten, zwammen, vogels, insecten, zoogdieren enz. komen aan bod. Zo kan de wandelaar met één gids in de hand zijn ontdekkingstocht door het gebied starten.

    € 17,50
    LS2 Submersible Marine Recorder Stereo

    LS2 Submersible Marine Recorder Stereo

    The LS2 Submersible Marine Recorder Stereo includes 2 HTI-96-min hydrophones and 4 microSD to collect up to 2 TB of data. Max. Depth: 300 meters.

    € 12.995,-
    Landgoed De Braak

    Landgoed De Braak

    Landgoed De Braak tells the history of an outdoor area that became a successful public pedestrian park due to its attractive landscape under the smoke of Groningen.

    € 17,50
    Tuinieren met wilde planten

    Tuinieren met wilde planten

    Tuinieren met wilde planten is een leidraad hoe te tuinieren voor planten en dieren en zo een eigen stukje natuur te creëren

    € 22,50
    Mosses of the Northern Forest

    Mosses of the Northern Forest

    See high-res, close-up images of the more than 300 mosses in the Northern Forest region with this map.

    € 13,34
    Die wildwachsenden und kultivierten Laub- und Nadelgehölze Mitteleuropas

    Die wildwachsenden und kultivierten Laub- und Nadelgehölze Mitteleuropas

    Die 70 häufigsten Arten entdecken, bestimmen und verstehen

    € 39,95
    Kikkerland Wooden 3D Puzzle Gorilla

    Kikkerland Wooden 3D Puzzle Gorilla

    Wooden 3D puzzle in the shape of a gorilla for creative and sustainable puzzle fun for young and old

    € 9,50
    Bugdorm DC3000W-L Insect Rearing Sleeve (L70 x W30 cm)

    Bugdorm DC3000W-L Insect Rearing Sleeve (L70 x W30 cm)

    The Bugdorm DC3000W-L Insect Rearing Sleeve (L70 x W30 cm) is made of fine nylon mesh. These insect breeding sleeves solve problems when studying insects. The sleeves of the same sizes can be zipped together for the diameters.

    € 22,73
    Bugdorm DC3170 Insect Rearing Bag (L100 x B66 cm)

    Bugdorm DC3170 Insect Rearing Bag (L100 x B66 cm)

    The Bugdorm DC3170 Insect Rearing Bag (L100 x B66 cm) is a rearing bag that offers a simple solution for studying insects.

    € 25,15
    Bugdorm BDPN08 Pint-sized Insect Pot with Snap Lid

    Bugdorm BDPN08 Pint-sized Insect Pot with Snap Lid

    BDPN08 Pint-sized Insect Pot with Snap Lid is a good sturdy Pot.

    € 5,87
    Microlepidoptera of Europe, Volume 4 - Pyraloidea I (Crambidae: Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae)

    Microlepidoptera of Europe, Volume 4 - Pyraloidea I (Crambidae: Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae)

    The first volume of Pyraloida treats the crambid subfamilies from Europe and partially from surrounding areas.

    € 159,82
    Microlepidoptera of Europe, Volume 3 - Gelechiidae 1

    Microlepidoptera of Europe, Volume 3 - Gelechiidae 1

    This volume covers 100-300 species with full-colour illustrations of the adult species.

    € 169,55
    The Myriapoda: Volume 2

    The Myriapoda: Volume 2

    Volume II deals with the Diplopoda or millipedes.

    € 265,44


    Na het lezen van Woodscapes wil je niets liever dan zelf spectaculaire woodscapes vastleggen.

    € 37,90
    De Mooiste Fotolocaties van Oost-Nederland

    De Mooiste Fotolocaties van Oost-Nederland

    De Mooiste Fotolocaties van Oost-Nederland betreft de provincies Gelderland, Overijssel en Flevoland.

    € 44,90
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