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This is the only field guide to provide comprehensive coverage of the mammals of Central America and Southeast Mexico.
A completely new guide to the 1070 birds species of this region
Birds of Central America is the first comprehensive field guide to the avifauna of the entire region, including Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.
Raptors of Mexico and Central America is the first illustrated guide to the region's 69 species of raptors, including vagrants.
A Swift Guide to Butterflies of Mexico and Central America is a beautiful photo-field guide with almost all butterflies of this impressive area.
Guide to the Birds of Honduras covers the rich abundance of bird species in Central America with the obvious focus on Honduras.
Neotropical Rainforest Mammals is the classic field guide about mammals in these regions around the Earth.
An essential companion on any diving trip, Caribbean Reef Life covers all aspects and inhabitants of a coral reef ecosystem.
With over 400 pages and 900 full-color illustrations, The Social Wasps of North America is the world's first complete illustrated field guide to all known species of social wasps from the high arctic to the tropical forests.
An illustrated field guide to the birds of Belize
A complete illustrated field guide to all known species of cicadas from the boreal shield of Canada to the tropical forests of Panama and Grenada.