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This is the most up-to-date checklist of bird species and subspecies recorded in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, including Iran and the Arabian Peninsula – the ‘greater’ Western Palearctic.
Amphibians of Europe, North Africa & The Middle East is a beautiful photographic guide with all 139 amphibian species.
Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean is a wonderful guide with more than 500 flowers, plants, trees, grasses and ferns that can be found in the Mediterranean area.
Local knowledge on where and when to see Sardinia's birds. Detailed maps to get you to the right spots for the best birds. Background information on other wildlife and travel practicalities.
Europe's Sea Mammals Including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde covers 50 species of sea mammals in this region
A Field Guide to the Flowers of the Alps helps you to identify over 500 species of mountain flowers in the Alps.
This second edition Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Western Mediterranean is the most up-to-date plant identification guide to the region.
Flora of the Mediterranean - With California, Chile, Australia & South Africa - An Illustrated Guide
Grasshoppers & Crickets of Italy is the ultimate field guide for these insect species when you are in this beautiful mediterranean country.
Europe's Dragonflies is simply the most up-to-date photographic field guide to all the damselflies and dragonflies recorded in Europe.
The Lizards of Italy and Adjacent Areas is a comprehensive guide the lizards in this region.
A richly illustrated, state-of-the-art field guide for identifying European passerines in flight—the first of its kind.
Dit is de eerste vogelgids voor de herkenning van Europese zangvogels in vlucht, met meer dan 1.850 spectaculaire kleurenafbeeldingen.
Schmetterlinge der Alpen covers 238 species of butterfly in the Alps.
Libellen der Alpen porträtiert mit schönen Fotos und informativen Texten alle 89 Arten des Alpenbogens.
Von Merkmal zu Merkmal: Mit diesem Buch kommen auch Laien ans Ziel.
350 alpine Arten im Porträt – das Grundlagenwerk über eine bisher nur wenig erforschte Artengruppe.
Covering more than 900 species, and illustrated with over 4,700 photographs, this is the most comprehensive, authoritative and ambitious single-volume photographic guide to Europe's birds ever produced.
Biodiversity of the Mediterranean Basin 1 - Tuscan Archipelago (Coleoptera Curculionoidea) - Memoirs on Biodiversity, Volume 4, 2019
In diesem Buch stellen die Autoren mehr als 500 Endemiten der Alpen vor. Auf etwa 750 Fotos wird jede Art mit einem Foto, bei einigen Arten zur besseren Unterscheidung mit einem zusätzlichen Detailfoto abgebildet.
Un guide complet et facile d’accès sur l’un des plus riches territoires de France en nombre d’espèces de mammifères sauvages.
The ultimate reference book for bird enthusiasts – now in its third edition.
De meeste complete fotogids van Europa. Meer dan 900 soorten.
Ladybirds of Europe covers all species present in Europe with lots of photos and illustrations.