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    93 Products
    Britain's Orchids

    Britain's Orchids

    Britain's Orchids covers more than fifty species...
    Life Cycles of British & Irish Butterflies
    British & Irish Moths

    British & Irish Moths

    This third edition has been significantly expand...
    Britain's Insects

    Britain's Insects

    The go-to photographic guide to Britain and Irel...
    The Vegetative Key to the British Flora
    Great British Marine Animals

    Great British Marine Animals

    4th edition - with special focus on their behavi...
    Sphagnum mosses

    Sphagnum mosses

    The AIDGAP guide 'Sphagnum mosses' is written by...
    Freshwater snails of Britain and Ireland
    Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland

    Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland

    Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland Handbook No.22 g...
    Plants and Habitats

    Plants and Habitats

    An identification guide to 700 plant species sel...
    The Wild Flower Key

    The Wild Flower Key

    'The Wild Flower Key' is an essential guide that...
    Europe's Birds

    Europe's Birds

    Covering more than 900 species, and illustrated ...
    British Moths

    British Moths

    British Moths: A Gateway Guide is an introductio...
    British Alpine Hawkweeds

    British Alpine Hawkweeds

    This monograph covers every aspect presently kno...
    Atlas of British and Irish Brambles

    Atlas of British and Irish Brambles

    A phytogeographical analysis of microspecies of ...
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