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A complete and reliable guide for the identification of 500 species of hoverflies of Northwest Europe.
This is the most up-to-date checklist of bird species and subspecies recorded in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, including Iran and the Arabian Peninsula – the ‘greater’ Western Palearctic.
Amphibians of Europe, North Africa & The Middle East is a beautiful photographic guide with all 139 amphibian species.
A Birdwatching Guide to North East Germany and its Baltic Coast is the ultimate guide for the birdwatcher who will visit this part of Germany.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of Britain and Northern Europe is an easy-to-use identification guide to 280 bird species in Northern Europe.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Garden Wildlife of Britain and Northern Europe details 280 wildlife species that can be found in your garden.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Insects of Britain and Northern Europe details 280 insect species common to Northern Europe.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe describes 280 tree species most commonly seen in Northern Europe
A Naturalist's Guide to the Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe contains 280 wild flowers commonly found in Northern Europe
An Identification Guide to Mushrooms of Britain and Northern Europe focuses on 150 species of mushrooms in Northern Europe.
Europe's Sea Mammals Including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde covers 50 species of sea mammals in this region
A Field Guide to the Flowers of the Alps helps you to identify over 500 species of mountain flowers in the Alps.
Spiders are the most obvious group of animals - they share with us our houses and gardens. They also have some of the most fascinating colours, behaviour and biology.
Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland - Ein Bestimmungsbuch Unserer Heimischen Tierwelt
Feldbestimmungsschlüssel für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz
Die Wanzen Deutschlands - Entdecken - Beobachten - Bestimmen
Europe's Dragonflies is simply the most up-to-date photographic field guide to all the damselflies and dragonflies recorded in Europe.
Naturparadies Nordsee - Faszinierende Erlebnistouren durch acht Länder
A richly illustrated, state-of-the-art field guide for identifying European passerines in flight—the first of its kind.
Die Pilze Deutschlands - Beschreibung - Vorkommen und Verwendung der wichtigsten Arten
Die Meeresschnecken und -muscheln Deutschlands - Finden - Erkennen - Bestimmen
Dit is de eerste vogelgids voor de herkenning van Europese zangvogels in vlucht, met meer dan 1.850 spectaculaire kleurenafbeeldingen.
Schmetterlinge der Alpen covers 238 species of butterfly in the Alps.
Libellen der Alpen porträtiert mit schönen Fotos und informativen Texten alle 89 Arten des Alpenbogens.