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    294 Products
    The Genus Meconopsis

    The Genus Meconopsis

    The Genus Meconopsis is the first major revision...
    The Genus Melastoma in Borneo

    The Genus Melastoma in Borneo

    It was thought that only nine species of Melasto...
    The Genus Ommatotriton

    The Genus Ommatotriton

    This book is a monograph on the salamander genus...
    The Genus Roscoea

    The Genus Roscoea

    All twenty known species are described in detail...
    The Genus Russula in Great Britain

    The Genus Russula in Great Britain

    Species of the Genus Russula are some of the mos...
    The Genus Saurauia in Borneo

    The Genus Saurauia in Borneo

    The first identification key to 85 species (incl...
    The Genus Triturus

    The Genus Triturus

    This monographs includes detailed information on...
    The Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum

    The Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum

    The Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum - Natural...
    The Gnu's World

    The Gnu's World

    The Gnu's World is the first scholarly book on t...
    The Green Woodpecker

    The Green Woodpecker

    Written by a leading authority on European woodp...
    The Hairy Rhinoceros

    The Hairy Rhinoceros

    The story of the Hairy rhino, told here from a M...
    The Hen Harrier's Year

    The Hen Harrier's Year

    This book follows the Hen Harrier over a year: f...
    The Leatherback Turtle

    The Leatherback Turtle

    The most comprehensive book ever written on leat...
    The Lion

    The Lion

    An authoritative, accessible, and gorgeously ill...
    The Little Owl

    The Little Owl

    This extensively revised and updated second edit...
    The Natural History of the Proboscis Monkey
    The Ocean Sunfishes

    The Ocean Sunfishes

    A comprehensive volume with fundamental knowledg...
    The Odontoglossum Story

    The Odontoglossum Story

    The most comprehensive treatment of Odontoglossu...
    The Osprey

    The Osprey

    A highly readable Poyser monograph on one of the...
    The Painted Stork

    The Painted Stork

    Covering all aspects of Painted Stork ecology, b...
    The Puku Antelope

    The Puku Antelope

    This monograph provides a comprehensive account ...
    The Purple Sandpiper

    The Purple Sandpiper

    A comprehensive account of the biology of the un...
    The Real Roadrunner

    The Real Roadrunner

    In The Real Roadrunner, Martha Anne Maxon offers...