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Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland is a beautifully illustrated photographic field guide to this increasingly popular group of insects, focusing on the species that can be most readily identified.
The most complete photographic field guide to hoverflies of Britain and North-west Europe ever written.
A complete and reliable guide for the identification of 500 species of hoverflies of Northwest Europe.
Packed with colour photographs, this visual guide will appeal to anyone keen to identify and learn more about the Park's infinite variety of smaller inhabitants.
This four volume book, a collaboration of over 90 international experts on Diptera, is the first-ever synopsis of the 108 families of flies known from the Afrotropical Region.
This four volume book, a collaboration of over 90 international experts on Diptera, is the first-ever synopsis of the 108 families of flies known from the Afrotropical Region.
This four volume book, a collaboration of over 90 international experts on Diptera, is the first-ever synopsis of the 108 families of flies known from the Afrotropical Region.
This book brings together all of the current research and information on British mosquitoes, providing a comprehensive, accessible guide to the study and identification of British species.
The definitive reference on the biology, evolution, ecology, and diversity of all known species of the world's mosquitoes.
Pollinators & Pollination offers a comprehensive introduction to the critical ecological role of pollinators.
This handbook covers all species in Britain and Ireland.
Includes many figures to help readers understand the morphological characteristics of the black fly species
Provides identification keys for female, male, pupa and larva in 15 countries or areas in Asia
Presents an identification key and family descriptions of all 132 families of Diptera (midges, mosquitoes, gnats, true flies) occurring in Europe.
The Gall Midges of Europe, written by two well-known Czech entomologists, provides a summary of knowledge on gall midges (Diptera) covering their biology, occurrence and distribution (Europe), and their importance in agriculture and forestry.
It's no small feat for an experienced researcher to write in a way that is accessible to a non-scientific audience, and McAlister accomplishes this.... A short, rich book by turns informative and humorous.
Keys and ecological notes to adults and larvae of all 46 species which have been recorded in Israel/Palestine at some time.
Portretten van twintig soorten wilde bijen en twintig soorten zweefvliegen.
Deze veldgids voor Nederlandse en Belgische Roofvliegen maakt de roofvliegen een zeer toegankelijke groep vliegen.
Veldgids Zweefvliegen includes more than 1,600 photos and handy identification keys. 384 species, in short allhoverflies in the Netherlands and Belgium.
The woolly fly family is a group of parasitic flies that owe their name to their gliding ability.
Verspreidingsatlas "leuke vliegen" - Blaaskopvliegen, dazen, roofvliegen, wapenvliegen, bastvliegen, wolzwevers & mierwolzwevers
Deze gids maakt deze fascinerende groep toegankelijk voor beginners en herkenning in het veld.