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This book considers all the species (and subspecies) of butterflies known to occur in Romania. This identification guide to the butterflies of Romania is set out in a format easy to understand not only by specialists but also for the general naturalist.
This pictorial guide features 158 captivating and inspiring butterfly species and three subspecies, aiming to raise awareness and highlight the remarkable diversity of tropical butterflies, from large and exotic specimens to those commonly found in Borneo
The book covers 803 species (excluding grass skippers) with descriptions, comparisons to similar species, global distribution and notes on the ecology, behaviour and host plants.
A Guide to the Hawkmoths of the Serra dos Orgaos, South-eastern Brazil identifies all the hawkmoth species found in this region.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies & Dragonflies of Sri Lanka guides you through 148 butterfly and 78 dragonfly species
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Butterflies of Australia is a photographic identification guide to the 280 species of butterfly most commonly seen in Australia
This photographic identification guide covers 280 butterfly species most commonly seen in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Garden Wildlife of Britain and Northern Europe details 280 wildlife species that can be found in your garden.
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Butterflies & Moths of Aotearoa New Zealand is an easy-to-use introductory identification guide to 361 species of butterfly and moth found in Aotearoa New Zealand.
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Butterflies of Borneo is a photographic identification guide to 122 butterfly species and a selection of moths most commonly seen in Borneo.
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Butterflies of Hong Kong is a photographic identification guide to 235 butterfly species found in Hong Kong (99.9% coverage), and is perfect for resident and visitor alike.
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Butterflies of the Philippines is an introductory photographic guide to 289 butterfly species commonly seen in the Philippines.
A unique photo guide made in Bhutan of all birds and butterflies.
A Swift Guide to Butterflies of Mexico and Central America is a beautiful photo-field guide with almost all butterflies of this impressive area.
A revised second edition of the most comprehensive photographic field guide to North American butterflies, featuring more than 500 new photos and updated text, maps, and species names.
A 'where to watch' guide for the Caucasus, with practical maps and suggested routes.
Covers birds, mammals, reptiles, butterflies, dragonflies, flora and more.
The book presents accounts on 391 butterfly species, of which 311 species are illustrated with 805 individual drawings.
A photographic pocket guide to the identification of the resident species and regular immigrants.
A friendly introduction to the butterflies of Uganda including many photographs.
De compacte én complete ANWB Basis natuurgidsen helpen elke natuurliefhebber op weg! Met Vlinders leer je alles over bijna 150 bekende rupsen en vlinders.
The ANWB Butterfly Guide contains over 1,100 images of butterflies, larvae and pupae that can be found in Europe.
Ce sont ainsi 160 espèces qui ont été recensées sur l’ensemble de la région, dont 3 espèces nouvelles pour l’Aquitaine.
Covers in detail the identification of all 59 butterfly species that breed regularly, as well as four former breeders, 10 rare migrants and one species of unknown status
Britain's Day-Flying Moths is a wonderful guide with all the moths that you can see flying during the day in the UK and Ireland.