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    Bees, Wasps & Ants


    80 Products
    A Guide to Native Bees of Australia

    A Guide to Native Bees of Australia

    A Guide to Native Bees of Australia is an illust...


    This edition of Ants covers the general biology ...
    Ants - Workers of the World

    Ants - Workers of the World

    Nature’s most successful insects captured in rem...
    Ants of Africa and Madagascar

    Ants of Africa and Madagascar

    Ants of Africa and Madagascar is volume 2 of the...
    Ants of Britain and Europe

    Ants of Britain and Europe

    Ants of Britain and Europe is the definitive ant...
    Ants of Madagascar: A Guide to the 62 Genera
    Ants of North America

    Ants of North America

    Ants of North America is volume 1 of the Ants of...
    Ants: A Visual Guide

    Ants: A Visual Guide

    A richly illustrated natural history of ants, co...
    Aphid predators

    Aphid predators

    Handbook on aphid predators, including keys to i...
    Army Ants

    Army Ants

    A richly illustrated, captivating study of army ...
    Basisgids Hommels

    Basisgids Hommels

    The Basisgids Hommels is intended for anyone who...
    Basisgids Wilde Bijen

    Basisgids Wilde Bijen

    Basisgids Wilde brengt 133 soorten wilde bijen b...
    Bees of Costa Rica

    Bees of Costa Rica

    In this richly illustrated guide, Bees of Costa ...
    Bees of Europe

    Bees of Europe

    Bees of Europe is the first volume of a series o...
    Bees of the World

    Bees of the World

    A beautifully illustrated introduction to the in...
    Bienen Mitteleuropas

    Bienen Mitteleuropas

    Das Standardwerk zu den einheimischen Wildbienen...
    Bienen, Wespen, Ameisen

    Bienen, Wespen, Ameisen

    Insekten Mitteleuropas: Nestbau, Brutpflege, Sta...
    € 25,99
    € 21,96


    Bijen is een natuurboek dat dieper ingaat op de ...
    Bijen Veldgids voor Nederland en Vlaanderen
    Bumble Bees of North America

    Bumble Bees of North America

    This is the best guide yet to the 46 recognized ...
    Bumblebees of Europe and neighbouring regions
    Common Bees of Eastern North America

    Common Bees of Eastern North America

    The only portable full-color photographic guide ...
    Common Bees of Western North America

    Common Bees of Western North America

    A portable, full-color photographic guide to the...

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