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    83 Products
    A Field Guide to Tropical Plant Families

    A Field Guide to Tropical Plant Families

    This book provides an identification system permitting recognition of plant families in all seasons by means of morphological and macroanatomical features which are easily observable, such as bark, exudates, stems and leaves characters.

    € 177,88
    A Guide to the Identification of Deciduous Broad-Leaved Trees and Shrubs in Winter

    A Guide to the Identification of Deciduous Broad-Leaved Trees and Shrubs in Winter

    A guide to the identification of deciduous broad-leaved trees and shrubs in winter.

    € 9,04
    A Handbook of the World's Conifers (2-Volume Set)

    A Handbook of the World's Conifers (2-Volume Set)

    A Handbook of the World's Conifers is a truly encyclopedic work, a true handbook of all the world's conifers.

    € 379,40
    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe

    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe

    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe describes 280 tree species most commonly seen in Northern Europe

    € 15,16
    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Southeast Asia

    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Southeast Asia

    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Southeast Asia is covering 286 trees, shrubs and palm species commonly seen in this region

    € 15,16
    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Sri Lanka

    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Sri Lanka

    A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Sri Lanka helps you identify 125 of the most common trees in Sri Lanka.

    € 15,16
    A Naturalist’s Guide to the Trees & Shrubs of India

    A Naturalist’s Guide to the Trees & Shrubs of India

    A Naturalist’s Guide to the Trees & Shrubs of India covers over 196 native and introduced species to India and surrounding countries

    € 15,16
    A Photographic Guide to the Wildlife of India

    A Photographic Guide to the Wildlife of India

    A wide ranging overview of the subcontinent’s wildlife, describing and illustrating over 984 species from all 26 states.

    € 23,33
    An Identification Guide to Trees of Britain & North-West Europe

    An Identification Guide to Trees of Britain & North-West Europe

    An Identification Guide to Trees of Britain & North-West Europe is a photographic identification guide to 89 species of tree most commonly found in Britain and North-West Europe.

    € 16,99
    Ancient Woods, Trees and Forests

    Ancient Woods, Trees and Forests

    Offers practical techniques and robust science to help ensure effective conservation of ancient trees and forests.

    € 63,22
    ANWB Basis Natuurgids - Bomen

    ANWB Basis Natuurgids - Bomen

    109 soorten eenvoudig herkennen

    € 15,-
    ANWB Bomengids

    ANWB Bomengids

    More than 600 trees in the ANWB Bomengids are shrubs that appear in our environment, both wild species if cultivated forms, by Joachim Mayer and Heinz-Werner Schwegler described.

    € 35,-
    Atlas wilde bomen en struiken

    Atlas wilde bomen en struiken

    Deze herdruk van de Atlas wilde bomen en struiken is een naslagwerk van de wilde houtige gewassen van Nederland en Vlaanderen, in relatie tot standplaatsen. Het is het resultaat van meer dan dertig jaar onderzoek en veldinventarisatie.

    € 39,95


    A spectacular oversize photo book celebrating Africa’s most majestic trees—which are now facing an unprecedented ecological threat.

    € 44,88
    Basisgids Bomen en struiken

    Basisgids Bomen en struiken

    De Basisgids Bomen en struiken maakt het makkelijk om bomen en struiken in Nederland te herkennen.

    € 27,95


    Dieser umfassende Baumführer bietet mit 137 Arten einen vollständigen und eindrucksvollen Überblick über alle einheimischen Baumarten.

    € 16,50


    Ontdek in tien korte en toegankelijke verhalen hoe wonderbaarlijk de relatie tussen bomen en het ecosysteem van onze planeet is.

    € 17,90
    Bomen beter begrijpen

    Bomen beter begrijpen

    Een boek voor boomeigenaars, boomliefhebbers, professionele groenbeheerders, openbare besturen en ook voor de professionele boomverzorger.

    € 27,50
    Bomen van Paramaribo

    Bomen van Paramaribo

    Naast een beschrijving van de honderd belangrijkste bomen en hun (etnische) oorsprong, bevat Bomen van Paramaribo een aantal wandelingen door de prachtige binnenstad en de minder bekende buitenwijken.

    € 19,50
    Botanisch woordenboek

    Botanisch woordenboek

    Het Botanisch woordenboek geeft van zo'n 1500 botanische termen een heldere omschrijving van de betekenis.

    € 27,95
    Compactgids Bomen

    Compactgids Bomen

    In the Compact guide Trees are beautiful, lifelike drawings of more than 150 species. Interesting information about characteristics, distribution and habitat.

    € 10,99
    Compendium van rituele planten in Europa

    Compendium van rituele planten in Europa

    Het compendium van rituele planten gaat in op de betekenis en oorsprong van gebruiken van inheems of ingeburgerde planten in Europa.

    € 130,-
    CRC World Dictionary of Palms: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology (2-Volume Set)

    CRC World Dictionary of Palms: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology (2-Volume Set)

    Two very important plant families, the palms and the cycads, are synthesized here in these two volumes.

    € 460,51
    Dendrologie van de Lage Landen

    Dendrologie van de Lage Landen

    Dendrologie van de Lage Landen is a standard work for the identification of cultivated trees and shrubs has been a concept in the practice of garden, park and landscape since 1933.

    € 61,95