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    Plant Galls


    10 Products
    Britain's Plant Galls

    Britain's Plant Galls

    Britain's Plant Galls is a photo guide full of plant galls that can be found on these islands.

    € 23,54
    British Plant Galls

    British Plant Galls

    An identification guide to plant galls in Britain and Ireland.

    € 19,95
    Faszinierende Pflanzengallen

    Faszinierende Pflanzengallen

    Das Werk beschreibt an rund 120 Pflanzengattungen etwa 450 verschiedene Gallen.

    € 39,95
    Plant Galls of Europe - set Volume I - III

    Plant Galls of Europe - set Volume I - III

    Plant Galls of Europe - set Volume I - III offers a fascinating overview of more than 10,000 plant galls with drawings.

    € 418,95
    Plant Galls of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg

    Plant Galls of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg

    These are the first keys covering the identification of galls on plants, mosses and fungi for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

    € 83,95
    Plant Galls of the Western United States

    Plant Galls of the Western United States

    A photographic guide to 536 species of plant galls found west of the Rockies.

    € 29,42
    Schadbilder an Buchenblättern

    Schadbilder an Buchenblättern

    Mithilfe dieser neuartigen Bestimmungskarte können Sie den faszinierenden Phänomenen an Buchenblättern auf den Grund gehen.

    € 5,95
    The Gall Midges of Europe

    The Gall Midges of Europe

    The Gall Midges of Europe, written by two well-known Czech entomologists, provides a summary of knowledge on gall midges (Diptera) covering their biology, occurrence and distribution (Europe), and their importance in agriculture and forestry.

    € 83,95
    The Kew Plant Glossary

    The Kew Plant Glossary

    This plant glossary includes all descriptive terms used in floras, plant field guides and monographs.

    € 27,24
    Veldgids Plantengallen

    Veldgids Plantengallen

    Deze veldgids helpt u met het op naam brengen van plantengallen.

    € 5,-