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    113 Products
    The Kew Plant Glossary

    The Kew Plant Glossary

    This plant glossary includes all descriptive terms used in floras, plant field guides and monographs.

    € 27,24
    The Little Book of Fungi

    The Little Book of Fungi

    A charming, richly illustrated, pocket-size exploration of the world’s fungi

    € 15,69
    The Lives of Fungi

    The Lives of Fungi

    A fascinating and richly illustrated exploration of the natural history of fungi.

    € 26,49
    The Mildews of Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria

    The Mildews of Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of downy and powdery mildews recorded in the counties of Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria.

    € 14,87
    The Myxomycetes of Britain and Ireland

    The Myxomycetes of Britain and Ireland

    A classic and comprehensive work on Myxomycetes (slime moulds) that cover identification, keys, descriptions, illustrations and various introductory chapters on life-history, ecology, distribution, collecting material and more.

    € 37,88
    The Puffballs, Earthballs and Other Gasteroid Fungi of Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and the Isle of Man

    The Puffballs, Earthballs and Other Gasteroid Fungi of Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and the Isle of Man

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of puffballs, earthballs, earthstars, bird's-nest fungi and stinkhorns in the north-west of England and the Isle of Man with information about their ecology, distribution and abundance.

    € 14,87
    The Rusts and Smuts of Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and the Isle of Man

    The Rusts and Smuts of Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and the Isle of Man

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of rusts and smuts, which are parasites of plants, in north-west England and the Isle of Man and a short introduction to their biology and physical and biological environment.

    € 14,87
    The Slime Moulds of Cheshire

    The Slime Moulds of Cheshire

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of slime moulds ever recorded in the county of Cheshire. The book is a companion to The Slime Moulds of Lancashire and Cumbria in the Biodiversity in the North West series.

    € 16,23
    The Slime Moulds of Lancashire and Cumbria

    The Slime Moulds of Lancashire and Cumbria

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of slime moulds ever recorded in present-day Lancashire and Cumbria. The book is a companion volume to The Slime Moulds of Cheshire in the Biodiversity in the North West series.

    € 14,87
    Veldgids Paddenstoelen I

    Veldgids Paddenstoelen I

    Deze veldgids beschrijft 500 algemene soorten plaatjeszwammen en boleten van Nederland. De gids bevat gedetailleerde sleutels en honderden kleurenfoto’s gericht op herkenning thuis en in het veld.

    € 46,95
    Veldgids Paddenstoelen II

    Veldgids Paddenstoelen II

    Veldgids Paddenstoelen II - Beker-, buik-, gaatjes-, kern-, knots-, koraal-, korst-, stekel- en trilzwammen

    € 46,95
    Veldgids Paddenstoelen III

    Veldgids Paddenstoelen III

    Veldgids Paddenstoelen III - Paddenstoelen van de Zeereep

    € 37,95
    Welke Paddenstoel is dat?

    Welke Paddenstoel is dat?

    In Welke Paddenstoel is dat? you will find information about more than 450 mushroom species from Europe. Thanks to the 1264 photos you will quickly recognize every mushroom.

    € 22,50
    What a Mushroom Lives For

    What a Mushroom Lives For

    How the prized matsutake mushroom is remaking human communities in China—and providing new ways to understand human and more-than-human worlds.

    € 19,60
    What If Fungi Win?

    What If Fungi Win?

    A book on the beneficial roles of fungi along with their mischievous and deadly impacts. Could fungal pathogens outsmart us before we find ways to combat them?

    € 17,85
    Zakgids Paddenstoelen

    Zakgids Paddenstoelen

    'Zakgids Paddenstoelen' behandelt meer dan honderd algemene soorten paddenstoelen die je in Nederland in een stedelijke omgeving kunt aantreffen, zoals in wegbermen, tuinen en bloembakken.

    € 19,95
    Zelf eetbare paddenstoelen kweken

    Zelf eetbare paddenstoelen kweken

    Leer zelf eetbare paddenstoelen kweken op bijvoorbeeld boomstammetjes, houtsubstraat, stro en koffiedik.

    € 29,95