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    113 Products
    Mushroom Hunting for Beginners

    Mushroom Hunting for Beginners

    If you are new to mushroom foraging, this book is the perfect place to start.

    € 16,19


    A pocket size field guide to 80 of the most common and sought-after mushroom species in North America.

    € 16,19
    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe Volume 3

    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe Volume 3

    This is the third volume of a four-volume series. It is identical in format to volumes 1 and 2 with species accounts being illustrated with paintings, principally to highlight important characters that are sometimes difficult to ascertain from a photograp

    € 45,27
    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 1

    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 1

    Volume 1 illustrates the non-agarics including a total of 650 species illustrated via watercolour paintings plus drawings of the spores of every species and any other useful microscopic features as well as chemical spot-tests.

    € 47,16
    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 2

    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 2

    This is the second volume of a four-volume series. It is identical in format to volume one. A total of 750 species and varieties illustrated with a key to major groups, dealing with the mainly white-spored agarics (i.e. gilled mushrooms).

    € 45,27
    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 4

    Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 4

    This is the final volume in the series Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe and features part 3 of the agarics or gilled mushrooms.

    € 33,96


    Dieser Band ist kein herkömmliches Bestimmungsbuch von Myxomyceten, sondern vielmehr ein ausführlich illustrierter Forschungsbericht. Die Schwerpunkte liegen dabei auf den beiden speziellen Habitaten Dung und moosbewachsenen Baumrinden.

    € 93,98


    This book provides a complete collection of general and technical information on myxomycetes microorganisms.

    € 169,81
    Peterson Field Guide to Mushrooms of North America

    Peterson Field Guide to Mushrooms of North America

    A new edition of the classic, best-selling field guide from Peterson Field Guides.

    € 32,41
    Pilze Mitteleuropas

    Pilze Mitteleuropas

    With identification keys to families, genera and species.

    € 172,16
    Pilzführer Schweiz

    Pilzführer Schweiz

    Der Pilzführer für die Schweiz in 4., überarbeiteter Neuauflage. Mit vielen Tipps fürs Bestimmen und Verwerten und den besten Pilzrezepten.

    € 48,90
    Plants & Fungi

    Plants & Fungi

    Holistic, accessible, and beautifully illustrated, this is an essential and timely guide to the world's key plant and fungus species.

    € 44,91
    Rust Fungi of Israel

    Rust Fungi of Israel

    This book is devoted to the diversity of the rust fungi of Israel. In total, 181 species belonging to 18 genera of Pucciniales are described.

    € 91,95
    Smut Fungi of Israel

    Smut Fungi of Israel

    A total of 73 species in 15 genera are described.

    € 107,-
    Studying the Discomycetes

    Studying the Discomycetes

    This book is the first guide specifically and entirely dedicated to the study of ascomycetes belonging mainly to the Pezizales, Helotiales and Orbiliales, exploring all aspects of the study of these fungi (life traits, morphology, microscopy, genetics)

    € 21,26
    Symbiosen in unseren Wiesen, Wäldern und Mooren

    Symbiosen in unseren Wiesen, Wäldern und Mooren

    45 Tipps dienen dazu, positive Beziehungen in Wiese und Wald zu finden und zu beobachten.

    € 46,86
    The Fungi - Third Edition

    The Fungi - Third Edition

    The Fungi, Third Edition, offers a comprehensive and thoroughly integrated treatment of the biology of the fungi.

    € 96,40
    The Fungi of North East Wales

    The Fungi of North East Wales

    This is the first account of the fungi that occur, or have occurred, in North East Wales, right back to the eighteenth century. The major part is a detailed account of all the groups of organisms that now and in the past have been considered to be fungi.

    € 27,06
    The Genus Agaricus in Britain

    The Genus Agaricus in Britain

    The Genus Agaricus in Britain describes all of the known British species and provides easy to use synopitic / pictorial keys to the species and includes over 50 photographs illustrating the majority of the British species.

    € 22,64
    The Genus Amanita in Britain

    The Genus Amanita in Britain

    Species of the genus Amanita, often large in size and with bright colours, have long fascinated mycologists and non-mycologists alike. The fact that some species are delicious edibles while others produce deadly toxins only adds to their glamour.

    € 22,64
    The Genus Cortinarius in Britain

    The Genus Cortinarius in Britain

    The Genus Cortinarius in Britain by Geoffrey Kibby and MarioTortelli features over 330 British species and is Illustrated by colour photographs and illustrations. This includes drawing of spores along with identification keys to subgenera and species.

    € 56,59
    The Genus Russula in Great Britain

    The Genus Russula in Great Britain

    Species of the Genus Russula are some of the most common, yet most difficult to identify of all fungi we see in woodlands. This book seeks to provide an easy to use keying system to help you identify the nearly 160 species to be found in Great Britain.

    € 30,18
    The Genus Tricholoma in Britain

    The Genus Tricholoma in Britain

    The Genus Tricholoma in Britain provides identification keys to these species plus others known from mainland Europe which may be found here in the future.

    € 22,64
    The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

    The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

    Exploring the Microscopic World in Our Forests, Homes, and Bodies.

    € 19,75