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    Algae, Seeweeds & Single Cell Organisms


    40 Products
    Rock pools

    Rock pools

    A complete introduction to rock-pool inhabitants and habitats of the British Isles and Ireland.

    € 27,93
    Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland

    Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland

    Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland is a beautiful English-language photo guide with which more than 235 species of seaweed from the British and Irish seas can be determined.

    € 27,46
    Seaweeds of the World

    Seaweeds of the World

    A lavishly illustrated guide to the seaweed families of the world.

    € 29,42
    Tapeworms, Lice, and Prions

    Tapeworms, Lice, and Prions

    Tapeworms, Lice, and Prions is a fascinating reference guide to a very wide range of infectious agents

    € 38,12
    The Diver's Guide to Marine Life of Britain and Ireland

    The Diver's Guide to Marine Life of Britain and Ireland

    Diver’s Guide to Marine Life of Britain and Ireland, covers almost 300 individual species and groups of species seen underwater

    € 28,44
    The Essential Guide to Beachcombing and the Strandline

    The Essential Guide to Beachcombing and the Strandline

    The Essential Guide to Beachcombing and the Strandline is the indispensable guide for beach visitors who want to know what's on the beach: from shells to exotic seeds.

    € 23,53
    The Essential Guide to Rockpooling

    The Essential Guide to Rockpooling

    The Essential Guide to Rockpooling shows what can be found in these interesting pools.

    € 23,53
    The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles

    The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles

    Please note that the 2021 second edition is an unmodified reissue of the out-of-print 2011 second edition.

    € 244,76
    The Kew Plant Glossary

    The Kew Plant Glossary

    This plant glossary includes all descriptive terms used in floras, plant field guides and monographs.

    € 27,24
    The Lives of Seaweeds

    The Lives of Seaweeds

    The Lives of Seaweeds is essential reading for naturalists and marine life enthusiasts.

    € 34,34
    The Myxomycetes of Britain and Ireland

    The Myxomycetes of Britain and Ireland

    A classic and comprehensive work on Myxomycetes (slime moulds) that cover identification, keys, descriptions, illustrations and various introductory chapters on life-history, ecology, distribution, collecting material and more.

    € 38,28
    The Seaweed Collector's Handbook

    The Seaweed Collector's Handbook

    A beautifully illustrated little book that will open your eyes at the seaside.

    € 16,38
    The Slime Moulds of Cheshire

    The Slime Moulds of Cheshire

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of slime moulds ever recorded in the county of Cheshire. The book is a companion to The Slime Moulds of Lancashire and Cumbria in the Biodiversity in the North West series.

    € 16,40
    The Slime Moulds of Lancashire and Cumbria

    The Slime Moulds of Lancashire and Cumbria

    The main part of the book is a detailed catalogue of all the species of slime moulds ever recorded in present-day Lancashire and Cumbria. The book is a companion volume to The Slime Moulds of Cheshire in the Biodiversity in the North West series.

    € 15,03
    Veldgids Zeewieren

    Veldgids Zeewieren

    In Veldgids Zeewieren vindt u meer dan 130 soorten voorzien van uitgebreide beschrijvingen
    en handige veldkenmerken.

    € 34,95


    Zeeboek - Determinatietabellen voor de flora en fauna van de Nederlandse kust

    € 26,50