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A fascinating journey along the eyes of animals.
This taxonomic monograph, long-awaited by local enthusiasts, marine biologists and holothuroid specialists worldwide, focuses on the southern African Holothuroidea.
Aangespoeld vertelt over de strandvondsten die je als wandelaar aan onze kust kan aantreffen.
The atlas offers a broad view about the diversity of embryos and larvae and may be useful in looking for a suitable species of special interest.
Basisgids Strandvondsten is a handy guide and ideal for anyone who likes to walk along the beach to look for the beautiful things that wash up
The phylum Mollusca is the second largest group of animals and occur in virtually all habitats.
Alle 30 in Nederland voorkomende of verwachte soorten, die voor een groot deel goed in het veld op naam te brengen zijn. 2e herziene druk.
Die Landschnecken Deutschlands: Finden - Erkennen - Bestimmen. Diese 3. Auflage berücksichtigt Änderungen in der Systematik und Nomenklatur.
Die Meeresschnecken und -muscheln Deutschlands - Finden - Erkennen - Bestimmen
In tien korte en informatieve verhalen neemt mariene bioloog Jon Copley u mee in een diepe duik naar een van de meest mysterieuze plekken op aarde.
Met de Diersporengids kunt u speuren naar de vele diersporen bij u in de tuin en in de natuur.
Ecosystem focused underwater sealife guide with aesthetically pleasing photographs.
Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Biologie der deutschen und europäischen Egelarten
The first definitive book on the ecology of marine invertebrate larvae for more than 20 years.
Exploring Britain's Hidden World is an informative book about the underwater world of the shallow seas around Great Britain. Based on 50 years of research by scientists.
This guide enables species-level identification of all 31 freshwater bivalves in Britain and Ireland.
Freshwater Mollusks of the World - A Distribution Atlas touches on 34 families of freshwater gastropods and 9 families of freshwater bivalves.
The AIDGAP guide 'Freshwater snails' is an identification guide to over 50 species of gastropod molluscs in Britain and Ireland.
4th edition - with special focus on their behaviour.
A photo-based identification guide to the 17 species of free-living freshwater leeches in Britain and Ireland.
4th edition - Detailed classifications and taxonomic synopses within each phylum are provided. The only college textbook on the subject that is in full color.
Jellyfish examines our ambiguous relationship with these ancient and yet ill-understood animals, describing their surprisingly complex anatomy, weaponry and habits, and their vital contribution to the ocean's ecosystem
FSC Earthworms AIDGAP covers all the species of earthworms found living freely in the UK and Ireland.
An identification guide to all 100 free-living terrestrial snails in Britain.