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The Guiana Shield is one of the regions with the highest biodiversity and a high number of endemics.
This book covers the reptiles of the Lesser Antillean archipelago.
Riesensalamander in Schauhaltungen beschreibt Riesensalamander der Gattung 'Andrias' in der letzten 70 Jahre in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Sammlungen von Naturkundemuseen, ihrer Lebensdauer und Größe sowie Haltungsbedingungen.
Deze safarigids behandelt vele zoogdieren, reptielen, vogels en nationale parken van Senegal en Gambia.
Uw reisvoorbereidingen worden vergemakkelijkt door de beschrijvingen en kaarten van de belangrijkste nationale parken van Kenia, Tanzania, Ethiopië en Oeganda. Tevens vindt u in dit boek de beschrijvingen en foto’s van zoogdieren, reptielen en vogels.
Uw reisvoorbereidingen worden vergemakkelijkt door de beschrijvingen en kaarten van de belangrijkste nationale parken van Botswana, Namibië en Zuid-Afrika.
More than 900 species, subspecies and around 1.000 taxa identified. More than 4.000 photos and over 2.000 references. 154 maps, 1.120 pages.
Few animals strike as much fear as snakes, which kill either through their poisonous venom or through suffocation.
An essential guide to identifying all dangerous snakes and common harmless snakes in southern Africa, as well as quick and important practical advice on first aid measures in the case of snakebite.
This compact guide features 276 of the more colourful and conspicuous species.
Snakes and other Reptiles of Zambia and Malawi is the first field guide to describe every species of reptile known to occur in this region - including 14 endemics and several new discoveries.
This is the first—and only—authoritative guide to the snakes of Central and Western Africa.
Snakes of Europe, North Africa & The Middle East describes all 122 snake species in this region.
The snake fauna of Syria consists of 40 species belonging to eight families (Typhlopidae, Leptotyphlopidae, Boidae, Colubridae, Psammophiidae, Atractaspididae, Elapidae, and Viperidae).
A gorgeously illustrated guide to the incredible diversity of snakes around the world.
Supplements and updates Wallach et al. – Snakes of the World – the only work to cover all living snakes in the world.
Snakes of Zambia - An Atlas and Field Guide
Snakes describes the biology and natural history of this ecologically diverse and important group of animals.
Amphibian Biology, Volume 11, Part 7 Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians Eastern Hemisphere
This first accessible pocket guide to the reptiles of these two tropical countries describes 186 of the most commonly encountered and colourful species, as well as those that are less conspicuous, rare and endemic to the region.
Understanding the subtle signs that animals leave behind as they pass unseen in the African bush is one of the most rewarding ways of finding them and learning about their behaviour.
This field guide provides detailed coverage of tracks, droppings, bird pellets, nests and shelters, and feeding signs, not only for mammals, but also for birds, reptiles, insects and other invertebrates.
Tadpoles of Africa - The Biology and Identification of all known Tadpoles in sub-Saharan Africa
Terralog 10: Geckos of Australia features some 540 colour photographs and distribution maps for all species in Australia.