
Illustrated Key to the British False Scorpions (Pseudoscorpions)

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The FSC False scorpions AIDGAP is an illustrated key to the 27 species of false scorpions (pseudoscorpions) found in Britain and Ireland.... Mehr anzeigen
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SerieField Studies Council AIDGAP Guides
AutorenGerald Legg & Francis Farr-Cox
VerlagField Studies Council Publications
Erscheinungsjahr  2017

False scorpions are fascinating little animals. Although tiny (4 millimetres or less), their body shape is intriguing and can be discerned with the naked eye.

Although there are only 27 different species in the British Isles there are over 2,000 species worldwide. They are widespread but under-recorded. Many false scorpions occur in domestic gardens, particularly in the soil, leaf litter and compost heaps. Other species inhabit grasslands, woodlands and coastal habitats. The authors hope that this guide will encourage more recording of these small but vital animals.

This guide is part of the FSC’s AIDGAP series (Aids to Identification in Difficult Groups of Animals and Plants). AIDGAP guides are accessible keys suitable for non-specialists from age 16+.

The accurate identification of specimens is an important part of biological fieldwork. Although popular groups such as wild flowers and butterflies are well-served, many other groups are neglected. Since 1976, the AIDGAP project has published over 40 straightforward and clearly written identification keys to many different groups of plants, animals and other taxa. The False scorpions AIDGAP is the only non-technical work covering this group. Its publication is already producing an upsurge in the number of spread of biological records.

Although written by specialists, all AIDGAP guides go through field tests as a draft key. As with all guides in the series, the False scorpions AIDGAP underwent extensive testing before publication, by beginners and specialists alike. The authors have revised this, the first published version, in the light of the testers’ experience.




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Illustrated Key to the British False Scorpions (Pseudoscorpions)
€ 5,24
Illustrated Key to the British False Scorpions (Pseudoscorpions)
4 Auf Lager: An Werktagen vor 17:00 Uhr bestellt, noch am selben Tag versendet.
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