
Desmids of the Lowlands - Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands

  • Inklusive 9% MwSt.: €94,95
  • Ohne MwSt: €87,11
2 Auf Lager: An Werktagen vor 17:00 Uhr bestellt, noch am selben Tag versendet.
This 2nd revised and extended edition represents all desmid taxa known from the Netherlands and adjacent lowland areas.... Mehr anzeigen
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  • An Werktagen vor 17 Uhr bestellt? Versand am selben Tag!
  • 14 Tage Rückgaberecht
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AutorenPeter F.M. Coesel & Koos (J.) Meesters
VerlagKNNV Uitgeverij
Größe16,5 x 24 cm 
BilderSchwarz-weiße Strichzeichnungen


Investigators of freshwater ecosystems inevitably are faced with various microphytes. It is generally accepted that algal species (among which phytoplankters) are important indicators of water quality. In particular desmids (a group of green algae) are excellent indicators of environmental conditions such as pH, conductivity and trophic state of a water body. 

In addition to that, because of their preferential occurrence in vulnerable habitats, desmids lend themselves well to figuring in conservation studies. It goes without saying that using desmid species to that end is only justified in case of a reliable identification.

The present flora (2nd revised and extended edition) aims to represent all desmid taxa known from the Netherlands and adjacent lowland areas. Some 640 species and more than 150 additional varieties are dealt with and depicted. Because of a predominantly cosmopolitan nature of most species the present flora may also be of use outside the above mentioned geographical region.

Approximate (longer as usual) delivery times - due to the fact that this is a POD-edition - are as follows:

  • NL: 5 working days
  • Europe: +/- two weeks
  • Rest of the World: 10 working days or even longer

Dutch Summary:
Tweede uitgebreide en herziene druk. Een flora voor het determineren van meer dan 600 soorten sieralgen, Mesotaeniaceae en Desmidiaceae: morfologie, ecologie en taxonomie. Onmisbaar voor aquatisch ecologen en professionals gespecialiseerd in waterkwaliteitsbeheer. Engelstalige uitgave.




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Desmids of the Lowlands - Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands
€ 94,95
Desmids of the Lowlands - Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands
2 Auf Lager: An Werktagen vor 17:00 Uhr bestellt, noch am selben Tag versendet.
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