Encyclopedia of Avian Science (4-Volume Set)
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Autor | Jeffrey A. Lawton |
ISBN | 9781536167986 |
Verlag | Nova Science Publishers Inc |
Sprache | Englisch |
Seiten | 1568 |
Format | Gebunden |
Bilder | S/w-Fotos, Illustrationen und Tabellen |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2020 |
This four-volume set covers a wide range of topics, including:
Volume 1
Chapter 1. The Role of Uric Acid in the Avian
Chapter 2. Selenium Supplementation of Diet Affects Antioxidant Activity and Protects against Antibiotic Resistance and Avian Influenza in Poultry
Chapter 3. The Biological Monitoring of Wild Birds - Part 1: The Cadmium Content of Organs from Migratory Birds
Chapter 4. The Biological Monitoring of Wild Birds - Part 2: The Possibility of a New Index for Biological Monitoring
Chapter 5. Outbreak Control and Viral Evolution of the Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza in Thailand
Chapter 6. Bird Schistosomes
Chapter 7. How Quickly Did Bird Flu Go Off the Public Radar? Results of a Follow-Up CATI Survey of Australian Adults
Chapter 8. Risk Assessment of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Infections through Water
Chapter 9. Dynamics of Low and High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wild Bird Population
Chapter 10. Surgical Pinealectomy in Birds
Chapter 11. An Animal Geography of the Dominant Urban Avian Scavenger in Contrasting Case Studies
Chapter 12. Factors Determining Species Richness and Composition of Steppe Bird Communities in Peninsular Spain: Grass-Steppe vs. Shrub-Steppe Bird Species
Chapter 13. The Impact of Landscape Configuration and Competitors on the Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monarchus Temminck 1823 in Southern Ghana
Chapter 14. Biosecurity Measures against Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Free-Range Flocks and Commercial Poultry in Developing Countries: A Review
Chapter 15. Carotenoid-based Ornaments as Signals of Health Status in Birds: Evidences from Two Galliform Species, The Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) and the Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus)
Chapter 16. Distribution and Dispersion of Coccidia in Wild Passerines of the Americas
Chapter 17. Sex Determination in Birds
Chapter 18. Structure and Function of the Avian Respiratory System, with Observation on its Predisposition to Injury by Particulates and Pathogenic Microorganisms
Chapter 19. Recent Infectious Diseases or their Responsible Agents Recorded from Japanese Wild Birds
Chapter 20. Environmental Factors that Affect Urban Avian Communities
Chapter 21. Ticks on Brazilian Birds: Overview
Chapter 22. An Overview of Recent Parasitic Diseases due to Helminths and Arthropods Recorded from Wild Birds, with Special Reference to Conservation Medical Cases from the Wild Animal Medical Center of Rakuno Gakuen University in Japan
Chapter 23. Avian GnRH: Production, Structure and Function
Chapter 24. Characteristics of MX Gene That Shows Resistance to Vesicular Stomatitis Virus from Avians to Mammals
Volume 2
Chapter 25. A Current Update on Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli
Chapter 26. Landscape Matrix Fragmentation Effect on Virgin Forest and Managed Forest Birds: A Multi-scale Study
Chapter 27. Birds Widely Disperse Pathogen-Infected Ticks
Chapter 28. Advances in Zoogeography: Micro-Spaces of Avian Foraging and Human Presence
Chapter 29. Urban Hymns: How Urban Environments Affect Bird Populations and Avian Singing Behavior
Chapter 30. Ecology and Conservation of the Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) in the Eastern Arabian Gulf
Chapter 31. Plastic Debris and Seabirds: Updating an Old Story
Chapter 32. Strategies for Preventing and Controlling Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Poultry
Chapter 33. Seabird Conservation in Fisheries: Current State of Knowledge and Conservation Needs for Argentine High-seas Fleets
Chapter 34. Seabirds and Island Communities: Biodiversity Awareness as a Tool for the Conservation of Insular Species
Chapter 35. Biological Invasions of Malaria Parasites and their Bird Hosts
Chapter 36. Density and Distribution of Birds in the Xavi Ecotourism Site, Ghana
Chapter 37. Cryptosporidiosis in Birds
Chapter 38. Preliminary Methodology to Assess the National and Regional Impact of U.S. Wind Energy Development on Birds and Bats
Chapter 39. Spectral Overlap of Traffic Noise and Acoustic Signals by Birds in an Urban Forest in Southern Brazil
Chapter 40. The Innovative Bird: Contextual Determinants and Underpinning Mechanisms of Innovative Foraging
Volume 3
Chapter 41. Flamingo Studies: A General Introduction
Chapter 42. The Evolution of Flamingos
Chapter 43. Diet and Foraging Behavior
Chapter 44. Flamingo Coloration and its Significance
Chapter 45. Flight, Navigation, Dispersal, and Migratory Behavior
Chapter 46. Flamingo Resting Behavior: A General Description and Sampling of Findings
Chapter 47. Flamingo Social Behavior and Flock Dynamics
Chapter 48. Reproductive Biology and Parenting Behavior
Chapter 49. Man’s Impact on Flamingos
Chapter 50. Flamingos and Ecotourism
Chapter 51. Flamingos in Captivity: Pretty in Pink, Popular and Puzzling
Chapter 52. Flamingos and Gender Ideology in Advertising
Chapter 53. Flamingos and Other Tropical Themes in Clothing and Accessories
Chapter 54. Happy Captives and Monstrous Hybrids: The Flamingo in Children’s Stories
Chapter 55. Flamingos in Folklore, Mythology, Religion and Art
Volume 4
Chapter 56. Lactate Dehydrogenase of Bird and Mammalian Origin
Chapter 57. Protein Electrophoresis in Avian Medicine
Chapter 58. Estimating Associations between Amblyomma Ticks and Wild Birds in a Neotropic Forest from Survey Data
Chapter 59. Oropharyngeal Trichomonads in Wild Birds
Chapter 60. Giardiasis in Birds
Chapter 61. Non-Contact Monitoring Bird Mass in Poultry Farms
Chapter 62. Listeriosis in Game Birds
Chapter 63. Geomatics for Micro-Spaces of Avian Foraging, Subjective Behavior and Human Presence
Chapter 64. A Shortened Protocol for the Micropropagation of a Bird of Paradise (Strelizia reginae Ait.)
Chapter 65. Application of Geographical Technology in the Modelling of Migratory Bird Habitats in Mangrove Forests: A Review
Chapter 66. The Effect of Aflatoxin on Adaptive Immune Function in Birds
Chapter 67. Effect of Body Size on Aflatoxin Susceptibility in Birds
Chapter 68. Recovery Time by Birds to a Single Acute Dose of Aflatoxin
Chapter 69. Detection of Aflatoxin-Contaminated Grain by Three Granivorous Bird Species
Chapter 70. Recent Data on the Distribution and Numbers of the Water Birds in the Wetlands along the Bulgarian Section of the Danube River
Chapter 71. Status and Distribution of Diurnal Birds of Prey and the Black Stork along the Bulgarian Section of the Danube River
Chapter 72. Antiviral Treatment and Therapy against Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1)
Chapter 73. Clinical and Pathological Outcome of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Poultry, West Africa
Chapter 74. Advances in Drone-Based Tracking Technologies for Large Birds of Prey
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