

The Cottus perifretum/rhenanus eDNA detection kit is able to detect the fish species Cottus perifretum/rhenanus in all water samples worldwide and contains enough materials for 200 reactions. The kit is based on the fast, sensitive, and proven primers/probe qPCR technique. The kit contains primers and a probe for detecting a highly specific sequence present on the mitochondrial DNA of the species Rhodeus amarus.

The Cottus perifretum/rhenanus qPCR detection kit is validated for for use in Dutch waters. Other subspecies (Cottus Gobio, Cottus microstomus) which do not occur in Dutch waters, can also be detected with this primer set. Only use this kit if you are sure these additional species cannot occur in your region of interest.

Species information

In English: Cottus perifretum/rhenanus
In German: Scheldegroppe/Rheingroppe
In French: Cottus perifretum/rhenanus
In Dutch: Rivieronderpad/Beekdonderpad

Primer design
The primers and probe are specially designed to be used with eDNA samples and have the following properties:

  • Highest possible sensitivity (1 DNA copies per reaction). Environmental water samples contain normally very low amounts of target DNA.
  • Strong fluorescence signal with low background noise. Isolated environmental samples contain residues of naturally occurring auto fluoresce substances that will interfere with the measurements. A strong fluorescence signal from the analyses is required for these kind of samples.
  • 100% specificity. Isolated DNA from environmental samples contains billions of DNA fragments from bacteria, protozoa, plants, animals, etc.

The kit is developed and optimized to be used on eDNA isolates purified using the eDNA isolation kit (#SYL002) from Sylphium molecular ecology.

Kit contents

The kit contains materials for 200 reactions.

  • Positive control (Cottus perifretum/rhenanus DNA)
  • 2x Sylphium qPCR mix (100 reactions) without primers and probes
  • 2x Primer/probe mix (100 reactions) for detection of Cottus perifretum/rhenanus (FAM dye)
  • 1x Taq DNA polymerase (200 reactions)
  • Protocol and primer/probe validation report





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