
Fliegen & Mücken


42 Produkte
A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies

A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies

An identification guide to adults of 73 species in Britain and Ireland. The keys cover true lacewings and their allies, including scorpion flies, snakeflies and alder flies.

€ 15,71
A Monograph on Whiteflies

A Monograph on Whiteflies

The complete information on the bio-ecology of important species along with the feeding mechanism has been presented in this book.

€ 71,39
A Pictorial Guide to British Ephemeroptera

A Pictorial Guide to British Ephemeroptera

This is an identification guide to both the adults and nymphs (larvae) of the 51 species of mayflies of Britain and Ireland.

€ 26,18
Adult Caddis (Trichoptera) of Britain and Ireland

Adult Caddis (Trichoptera) of Britain and Ireland

A photo-based identification guide for naturalists and enthusiasts, including moth-trappers.

€ 26,18
Aphid predators

Aphid predators

Handbook on aphid predators, including keys to identify aphid species. This is a reprint of the book originally published in 1989.

€ 44,43
Atlas of the Hoverflies of Greece

Atlas of the Hoverflies of Greece

The Atlas of the Hoverflies of Greece is the first of a kind within the Mediterranean region containing all 418 species.

€ 236,75
Blow Flies

Blow Flies

Blow Flies is an identification guide to the adults of all British species in the families Calliphoridae, Polleniidae and Rhiniidae.

€ 68,67
Chironomidae Larvae - Volume 1 - General ecology and Tanypodinae

Chironomidae Larvae - Volume 1 - General ecology and Tanypodinae

Chironomidae Larvae of the Netherlands and Adjacent Lowlands

€ 79,95
Chironomidae Larvae - Volume 2 - Biology and Ecology of the Chironomini

Chironomidae Larvae - Volume 2 - Biology and Ecology of the Chironomini

Chironomidae Larvae of the Netherlands and Adjacent Lowlands

€ 83,95
Chironomidae Larvae - Volume 3 - Biology and Ecology of the Aquatic Orthocladiinae

Chironomidae Larvae - Volume 3 - Biology and Ecology of the Aquatic Orthocladiinae

Chironomidae Larvae of the Netherlands and Adjacent Lowlands

€ 94,95
De Europese families van Muggen en Vliegen

De Europese families van Muggen en Vliegen

De Europese families van Muggen en Vliegen (Diptera)

€ 41,95
De Nederlandse Boorvliegen (Tephritidae)

De Nederlandse Boorvliegen (Tephritidae)

In de serie Entomologische Tabellen beschrijft John T. Smit de Nederlandse Boorvliegen. Entomologische tabellen 5

€ 15,-
De Nederlandse Breedvoetvliegen (Platypezidae & Opetiidae)

De Nederlandse Breedvoetvliegen (Platypezidae & Opetiidae)

Holländische Breitfußfliegen (Platypezidae & Opetiidae) sind Teil der Reihe entomologischer Tabellen. Dies ist Teil 10.

€ 15,-
De Nederlandse Slakkendoders (Sciomyzidae)

De Nederlandse Slakkendoders (Sciomyzidae)

Alle 67 uit Nederland bekende soorten slakkendoders kunnen met dit boek op naam gebracht worden, evenals 17 extra soorten die voorkomen in aangrenzende landen.

€ 15,-
De vliegenfamilies met drie voetkussentjes

De vliegenfamilies met drie voetkussentjes

In deze gids zijn acht vliegenfamilies beschreven die drie voetkussentjes als gezamenlijk kenmerk hebben.

€ 14,-
Die Raubfliegen Deutschlands

Die Raubfliegen Deutschlands

Reich bebilderter Führer aller gängigen Raubfliegen in Deutschland

€ 24,95
Die Steinfliegen der Schweiz

Die Steinfliegen der Schweiz

Der Bestimmungsführer für alle Steinfliegenarten der Schweiz mit über 2000 Abbildungen.

€ 116,13
Families of Flies with Three Pulvilli

Families of Flies with Three Pulvilli

Families of Homeodactyla of Northwest Europe

€ 15,-
Field Guide to the Flower Flies of Northeastern North America

Field Guide to the Flower Flies of Northeastern North America

A groundbreaking guide to flower flies in North America.

€ 27,46
Fungus Gnats

Fungus Gnats

RES Handbook, Volume 9, Part 8

€ 68,67
Guide to the Adult Caddisflies or Sedge Flies (Trichoptera)

Guide to the Adult Caddisflies or Sedge Flies (Trichoptera)

This is an identification guide to families of adult caddisflies in Britain. Identification goes to species level where possible.

€ 5,24
Guide to the British Stonefly (Plecoptera) Families: Adults and Larvae

Guide to the British Stonefly (Plecoptera) Families: Adults and Larvae

Includes identification keys for the identification of both stonefly larvae and adults to family level.

€ 5,24


Determineersleutel voor de larvale Eendagsvliegen van het Beneluxgebied, met verspreidingsgegevens voor de periode 1960-1985.

€ 6,-
Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland

Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland

Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland is a beautifully illustrated photographic field guide to this increasingly popular group of insects, focusing on the species that can be most readily identified.

€ 29,42

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