


113 Produkte
Fungi Europaei, Volume 5 - Entoloma s.l.

Fungi Europaei, Volume 5 - Entoloma s.l.

The present work is a compilation on Entolomatoid fungi in Europe, gathered in the period between 1975 and 1992.

€ 98,10
Fungi Europaei, Volume 6 - Hygrophorus s.l.

Fungi Europaei, Volume 6 - Hygrophorus s.l.

In the present work 43 species, 5 varieties and 2 forms in the genus Hygrophorus and 59 species, 6 varieties and 1 form in the genus Hygrocybe are described.

€ 91,56
Fungi Europaei, Volume 7 - Lactarius Pers.

Fungi Europaei, Volume 7 - Lactarius Pers.

In the present work 112 specie, 6 varieties and 2 forms belonging to the genus Lactarius, collected in Europe, are described

€ 91,56
Fungi Europaei, Volume 8 - Xerocomus s.l.

Fungi Europaei, Volume 8 - Xerocomus s.l.

The taxa belonging to European Xerocomoideae are described, illustrated and discussed.

€ 83,71
Fungi Europaei, Volume 9 - Amanita s.l.

Fungi Europaei, Volume 9 - Amanita s.l.

The work deals with the European taxa of the tribe Amaniteae R. Mre, a member of the family Pluteaceae Kotlaba & Pouzar

€ 109,87
Fungi From Different Substrates

Fungi From Different Substrates

The book is comprised of more than a dozen chapters on fungi from different substrates including fossilized leaves.

€ 69,06
Fungi in Ecosystem Processes

Fungi in Ecosystem Processes

This second edition examens the roles of fungi from the perspective of ecosystem functions.

€ 69,06
Fungi of Northern Europe, Volume 4: The Genus Tricholoma

Fungi of Northern Europe, Volume 4: The Genus Tricholoma

The authors have been working on this project for more than 20 years, and have visited almost all corners of Europe.

€ 43,99
Fungi of Northern Europe, Volume 5: The Genus Mycena s.l.

Fungi of Northern Europe, Volume 5: The Genus Mycena s.l.

The book is based on more than 30 years of experience with this fascinating group of often tiny but beautiful agarics.

€ 66,12
Fungi of Northern Europe, Volume 6: The Genus Psathyrella s.l.

Fungi of Northern Europe, Volume 6: The Genus Psathyrella s.l.

The volume covers all psathyrelloid taxa irrespective of their current classification except the species of Lacrymaria.

€ 66,12
Fungi of Temperate Europe (2-Volume Set)

Fungi of Temperate Europe (2-Volume Set)

Fungi of Temperate Europe features over 7.000 photos covering more than 2.800 species of fungi across the region.

€ 149,50
Geïllustreerd botanisch woordenboek

Geïllustreerd botanisch woordenboek

Dit Botanisch woordenboek biedt beginnende floristen een visuele kennismaking met de belangrijkste kenmerken van planten, (korst)mossen en paddenstoelen

€ 18,95
Grundkurs Pilzbestimmung

Grundkurs Pilzbestimmung

Der Grundkurs führt unter Verwendung eines leicht verständlichen und reich bebilderten Schlüssels "Schritt für Schritt" an die Bestimmung heran.

€ 26,95
Heilende Pilze weltweit

Heilende Pilze weltweit

Wer Pilze bisher nur unter dem Gesichtspunkt "essbar" oder "giftig" betrachtet hat, erfährt in diesem umfassenden und fachlich fundierten Buch, dass Pilze auch zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen einsetzbar sind.

€ 59,95
Het grote wildplukboek

Het grote wildplukboek

In deze geheel herziene en uitgebreide editie van Het grote wildplukboek, beschrijft Edwin Florès de geheimen van het wildplukken.

€ 32,50
Kew Pocketbooks: Fungi

Kew Pocketbooks: Fungi

Neither plants nor animals, fungi are weird and wonderful, and these extraordinary life-forms are celebrated in Kew Pocketbooks: Fungi.

€ 12,24
Meetings with Remarkable Mushrooms

Meetings with Remarkable Mushrooms

A whirlwind journey through fungus frontiers that underscores how appreciating fungi is key to understanding our planet’s power and fragility.

€ 31,39
Microscopy & Fungi

Microscopy & Fungi

It covers both basic and advanced techniques and gives advice about things like buying a microscope.

€ 61,04
Minigids Bos

Minigids Bos

Heerlijk vogels, zoogdieren, vlinders en paddenstoelen determineren met dit compacte minigidsje.

€ 7,95
Minigids Paddenstoelen

Minigids Paddenstoelen

Deze praktische uitvouwkaart helpt je in één oogopslag algemene soorten paddenstoelen herkennen.

€ 7,95
Minigids Wildplukken

Minigids Wildplukken

Met de 'Minigids Wildplukken' vindt u in één oogopslag allerlei lekkernijen met bijbehorende oogsttijd, vindplaats en toepassing.

€ 7,50
Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines

Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines

The hidden role of fungi inside and all around us.

€ 29,41
Morcheln - Ökologie und Lebensräume

Morcheln - Ökologie und Lebensräume

Dieser kompetente Ratgeber des Morchella-Experten Heinz Gerber macht Sammelerfolge wahrscheinlich.

€ 16,50
Morels of Europe

Morels of Europe

Morels of Europe is the new reference for information on this very particular mushroom, which covers close to 200 species.

€ 75,20