


49 Produkte
Kleine orchideeëngids voor boven de grote rivieren

Kleine orchideeëngids voor boven de grote rivieren

Hans Dekker beschrijft op beknopte wijze alle orchideeënsoorten die in de noordelijke helft van Nederland voorkomen.

€ 6,50
Kleine orchideeëngids voor Nederland en omstreken

Kleine orchideeëngids voor Nederland en omstreken

In De kleine orchideeëngids voor Nederland en omstreken beschrijft Hans Dekker op beknopte wijze alle voorkomende soorten die in ons land en buurgebieden voorkomen.

€ 20,-
Lady Tankerville's Legacy

Lady Tankerville's Legacy

This book introduces many showy and little known species to the reader and will, no doubt, stimulate interest in them and their attractive and easy-to-grow hybrids.

€ 81,83
Les Orchidées de Guyane

Les Orchidées de Guyane

Les Orchidées de Guyane couvre 130 genres et plus de 350 espèces qui sont toutes traitées et illustrées par plus de 1 200 illustrations.

€ 69,-
Ontdek de Orchideeën van het Gerendal

Ontdek de Orchideeën van het Gerendal

In deze gids wordt in kort bestel de Orchideeën van het Gerendal besproken.

€ 8,50
Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala

Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala

The book includes biogeographical and historical information about Guatemala, descriptions of genera, key to their identifications and check-list of species.

€ 287,-
Orchideeën van de Benelux

Orchideeën van de Benelux

Orchideeën van de Benelux ist ein umfangreiches Werk von Karel Kreutz. Eine Arbeit mit allen gängigen und ausgestorbenen Taxa.

€ 39,-
Orchideenführer - Murnauer Moos

Orchideenführer - Murnauer Moos

In diesem praktischen Naturführer werden von den Autoren die 39 verschiedenen Orchideenarten vorgestellt, die im Murnauer Moos nachgewiesen wurden.

€ 9,95
Orchids of Britain & Ireland

Orchids of Britain & Ireland

Orchids of Britain & Ireland covers all 56 species of wild orchid found on these isles.

€ 48,82
Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East

Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East

Dieser Leitfaden bietet den ersten umfassenden Überblick über alle benannten Orchideenarten aus Europa, Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten.

€ 50,-
Orchids of Madagascar

Orchids of Madagascar

Orchids of Madagascar covers over 250 orchids.

€ 175,36
Orchids of Samoa

Orchids of Samoa

Orchids of Samoa contains a detailed and up-to-date identification guide to the 101 orchid species of the Pacific island of Samoa.

€ 72,63
Orchids of the Crimea

Orchids of the Crimea

Orchids of the Crimea presents the first comprehensive overview of all distinguishable taxa of the Crimea

€ 24,95
Orchids of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana), Volume 1

Orchids of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana), Volume 1

Volume 1: Cypripediaceae, Orchidaceae. Orchidoideae, Tropidioideae, Spiranthoideae, Vanilloideae, Epidendroideae p.p.

€ 163,95
Orchids of the Solomon Islands and Bougainville

Orchids of the Solomon Islands and Bougainville

Orchids of the Solomon Islands and Bougainville contains keys to identification, plus notes on habitat and distribution.

€ 87,16
Orchids of Tropical America

Orchids of Tropical America

Orchids of Tropical America is an informative illustrated introduction to the orchid family containing more than 120 species.

€ 31,13
Orchids of Vanuatu

Orchids of Vanuatu

The first comprehensive account of the 158 orchid species of Vanuatu.

€ 58,11
Slipper Orchids of Borneo

Slipper Orchids of Borneo

This book outlines the history of Borneo's slipper orchids, their taxonomy, distribution, biology, ecology and conservation in an accessible manner

€ 16,01
Slipper Orchids of The Tropical Americas

Slipper Orchids of The Tropical Americas

This present book covers the tropical American species of three genera of slipper orchids, Selenipedium, Mexipedium and Phragmipedium.

€ 177,89
The Genus Calanthe

The Genus Calanthe

Calanthe is a widespread but predominantly tropical orchid genus.

€ 64,04
The genus Ophrys

The genus Ophrys

This is a companion book to the author's book published in 2021 in German language, but this not a simple translation, but a very different book, due to the many changes in many sections of orchidology

€ 95,65
The Kew Plant Glossary

The Kew Plant Glossary

This plant glossary includes all descriptive terms used in floras, plant field guides and monographs.

€ 27,24
The Odontoglossum Story

The Odontoglossum Story

The most comprehensive treatment of Odontoglossum since James Bateman's classic Monograph of Odontoglossum in 1874.

€ 237,50
The Wild Flower Key

The Wild Flower Key

'The Wild Flower Key' is an essential guide that has been revised and expanded with full keys to more than 1600 wild plants found in Britain and Ireland.

€ 31,53